chapter 2.24

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I was laying in my bed when I call from JJ. "Hello?" I ask. 

"Em!" He sounded frantic.

"Are you okay?" I ask sitting up.

"Yeah, no, I'm fine it's Sarah. Rose is taking her and we're following them. I need you to meet us at the freight yard."


"You know the place with all the trailers. It's beside the junk yard."

"No, I know what you're talking about, but there's no way."

"I need you to get here, babe."

"JJ, I don't even have a car and my dad will actually murder me if I leave the house. Like actually."

"You need to figure it out for me, and be as quick as you can, please." He says before hanging up.

"What the fuck." I say getting out of my bed and walking out of my room. I had absolutely no idea how I was going to get there, so I went with my best and only option, my brother. "Josh?" I say as I knock on his door.

"What?" He asks as I open it, he's laying in his bed on his phone.

"I need a really huge favour and I don't have time for questions but I promise I'll explain on the way."

"On the way?" He puts his phone down. "You aren't supposed to leave the house."

"I know but it's urgent." I sigh. "Please?"

"No. Dad is gonna lose his shit on both of us."

"Josh... I'll never ask you for anything again." My voice cracks.

"I said no."

"Please." I ask desperately.

He groans pulling his hair, throwing off the cover and getting up. "Get your shit. Let's go." He says angrily.

"Thank you." I say as he grabs his keys and we run outside.

We've been driving for a while and we're finally nearing the freight yard. "Turn here." I tell Josh.

"Where the fuck are you taking us?"

"Turn now!" I tell him and he quickly makes a sharp turn.

"Emilie, this isn't even a fucking road!" He yells taking his hand off the wheel and gesturing to the trees and dirt around us.

"Just drive for fucks sake!" I yell back.

He finally stops the car a little bit away from where something was being loaded onto a ship.

"Thank you." I say opening the car door. "I owe you big time."

"Hey!" Josh says as I go to close the door. "Just please don't die, and don't be gone too long."

"I won't." I reassure him. "Promise."

"Okay, je t'aime. (Love you.)"

"Je t'aime." I close the door and run behind one of the big trailers where I saw Pope, JJ, John B and Kie.

"This better be the most important thing of your fucking life because I'm risking mine to be here." I say walking up to them from behind and placing one hand on Pope's shoulder and the other on JJ's, causing them both to jump. "Ew, you're all muddy." I say to Pope wiping my hand on JJ.

"Don't sneak up on us like that, Em." JJ tells me.

"Sorry. What's going on?" I ask.

"They're holding Sarah hostage." John B tell me.

"We have to get on that boat." Kie says.

"First we gotta get past the goon squad." JJ tells her.

"Okay, let's move." John B tells us, but Pope starts going the other way. "Pope, what're you doing?"

"I have an idea. Just trust me." Pope says.

"No, hey, stop running! We gotta go, dude."

"Trust me, man. Go. I'll meet up with you guys. Go."

We watch as he runs the other way and after a couple of minutes there's a huge explosion on the other side of the yard. All the guards run over frantically to see what happened and Pope runs back over to us.

"Pope. What was that?" John B asks.

"Look. That container's going on the ship." He points at a big gray container. "We can get in that way. Are you with me?"

"You're a genius." John B daps him up. "Let's go. Hey, this way. Come on."

We sprint over to the container and Pope starts climbing in.

"They're right there." JJ says. "Hey, wow. Did you think this through." He asks Pope.

"Yes. This is the plan."

"That's a trap right there, you see that. We can't get out once we get in."

"I know!" Pope yells.

"Hey." John B grabs JJ's shoulder. "You guys don't have to come. Right?" He turns to Pope.

"Right." Pope agrees. "This is our fight."

"Yeah, right." John B climbs into the container.

"Nothing to lose?" JJ asks me and Kie.

"Nothing to lose." Kie and JJ start to jump in. "I guess it's better than boarding school."

I stay put and start to think. All I want to to is go home to my bed. I'm sick of all the running around and treasure hunting.

"Em?" Pope asks.

"Fuck." I sigh. "I need some new friends." I say grabbing Pope's hand as he laughs.

A/N: this chapter is a little shorter but is alright cuz i've already started the next. anywayz don't forget to vote 😘.

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