Chapter 2.8

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"Stand on the beach with your hands in the air!" One of the cops yells.

"Go!" John B yelled.

They all began to run through the water and away from the cops. John B helped Sarah through the water because of her wound from being shot. They swam through the water and made their way to the tree in John B's backyard, when they got there more cops arrived.

"We're surrounded. What do we do?" Pope asked.

"There's no getting out of this, we gotta make a stand." JJ said pulling out his gun and drying it with his bandana.

John B grabbed the gun from JJ's hands and threw it on the ground.

"It's gonna be alright."

JJ buried the gun in the grass with his boots.

"John B!" Shoupe yelled. "Step out of the clearing! Do not move!"

"I'm surrendering!" John B told the cop.

"Put your arms up John B. The rest of you stay where you are."

Emilie tried to put her arms up but felt a pain in her left arm where she had gotten shot.

"Shoupe I wanna testify." John B told the cop.

"It's about time. Get down do not move a muscle."

John B got on the ground and deputy Thomas wrapped his arm around John B's neck picking him up and then throwing him back down.

"Stop!" Emilie screamed.

"Let him go!" Kiara yelled.

The deputy continued to hit John B. When Shoupe tried to stop him he pushed him away.

"This is for Peterkin." Thomas said before punching him one last time.

The cops took John B and left the rest of the Pogues at the Chateau. Emilie decided she should go home to clean up before court the next day. She arrived at her house and took a deep breath before walking through the door. Her father was in the kitchen washing dishes.

"Hey..." she said causing him to look up.

"Oh bon dieu (oh, good god)." He sighed walking over and pulling her into a bone crushing hug. "Where the hell were you?" He asked pulling away.

"There were some minor set backs." Emilie muttered.

"Like what?"

"Umm, Pope's truck broke down, twice."

"More than that had to of happened if you're over 48 hours late."

"We found John B and Sarah." She muttered almost too quiet for him to hear.

"Yeah, I heard they're back."

"Mhm, John B is in jail, for a crime he didn't commit. That's so unfair."

"I know sweetie." He sighed. "What else happened."

Well, we had to take Sarah's boat here since Heyward's truck broke. And when we got back we had a little... kickback at John B's."

"But there was no drinking or drugs right?"

"Oh, of course not." Emilie said quickly.

"I didn't think so." Her father said with a smirk. "And JJ kept his hands to himself?"

"Yeah, until I got shot."

"What?!" Her father asked causing her mouth to turn into an "O" shape.

"I mean we did shots. Of... apple juice?"

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