It's Jim. Jim Kirk.

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Location: A Bar at Iwoa

Carolynn walked into a bar at Iowa. The entire bar was tightly packed with Starfleet cadets, all in their red uniforms.

"Look who it is! The brown eyed brunette who goes around breaking hearts!", Uhura shouts when Carolynn approaches her at the bar.

"Shut the fuck up Uhura!", Carolynn replies. "Did you order for me?" she continues.

"Oh right away!", says Uhura. "And a shot of Jack, straight up!"

"Make that two. Her shots on me." says a voice, unfamiliar to Carolynn.
She looks to her left and a saw an American man with sandy blond hair, smirking at her. He was very drunk.

"Her shot's on her." Uhura says to the bartender.

"Thanks but, no thanks.", Carolynn says to the stranger.

"Atleast know my name before you completely reject me!", the man replies.

"I'm fine without it." Carolynn replies.

"Oh, I'm sure you're fine without it, I can see that clearly!", the stranger sasses as the walks up to the girls, now standing beside Carolynn.

It was now that she notices his eyes. It was the most beautiful pair of orbs she'd ever seen! It wasn't the colours of a salty ocean. It was much pure, much more groomed, as if they were regularly cleaned! If not ocean, they were surely the colour of a well maintained swimming pool. The most beautiful blue eyes that could exist, they belonged to this drunk stranger!

"It's Jim. Jim Kirk.", he continues.
The girls didn't say anything.
"Uhura, please help me with your friends name. Please!", Uhura decides to not respond to Jim's request.
"Well, if you don't give me a name, I have to make one up!", says Jim.

"Its Lavender." replies Carolynn. 'Not that he's gonna remember anything tomorrow.', she thought to herself.

"Well, as much as I like this name, I'd prefer the real one. What is your real name, Lavender?" Jim says with a mischievous smirk.

Carolynn gave a hearty laugh. As much as she hated to admit, she was actually having fun, talking to Jim.

"It's Carolynn. Carolynn Rose", she says with a genuine smile.

"Rose. Yeah, I pick Rose." Jim says

"What?!" Carolynn asks, a bit cringed out at Jim's words.

"Oh, no. I meant, I'll call you Rose. Thats what i was gonna pick up for ya, anyway", Jim replies with a grin.

"Oh, it's not a like we're meeting, ever again!" Carolynn replies.

"Oh about that..who knows what the future holds for us! So, you're a cadet, currently studying.. what's your focus?" Jim askes.

"I'm pursuing tactical courses and courses on advanced weaponry.", replies Carolynn.

"What about your friend? Uhura?", he askes leaning towards Uhura, more like, leaning into Carolynn.

"Xenolinguistics. You have no idea what that is." Uhura, sasses.

A smirk appeared on Jim's handsome face, his eyes light up! Carolynn actually wanted to slap him for looking so good even when he's drunk like a fish!

"The study of alien languages, morphology, phonology, syntax. It means you've got a talented tongue." Jim replies confidently.

"I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.", Uhura sasses again.

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