A Captain can not cheat death

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"You of all people should know, Cadet Kirk. A Captain cannot cheat death."

Spock's words made Carolynn snap her head up towards the Vulcan.


'He really is incapable of human emotions.' Carolynn thought to herself. The last thing you say to a blind person is "The sky is so beautiful. I wish you could see it too."
And that's exactly what Spock was doing. He was reminding Jim about his father. The Captain who could not cheat death. And here was Jim, who managed to do that in a test.

The academy had called for a gathering of all the cadets and the staff working there to settle a 'Troubling Matter'.

The 'Troubling Matter of James T. Kirk'.

Admiral Barnett had confronted him about it and it turned out that Commander Spock, who designed the Kobiyashi Maru simulation, had accused Jim of cheating in the test

Exactly what Carolynn was afraid about.

"I of all people." Jim said in a low voice. Registering what he's being reminded of.

"Your father, Lieutenant George Kirk, assumed command of his vessel before being killed in action, did he not?" Spock explained

"I don't think you like the fact that I beat your test?" Kirk replied, deliberately trying to avoid discussing his father's death.

Spock then concluded that Jim, had failed to divine the purpose of the test.

"Enlighten me again." was the reply Spock recieved.

Carolynn was not liking this exchange at all. The mention of Jim father should have been completely avoided.

"Your man is an ass, Uhura." she whispered to her friend.

"Carol, he cheated in a test!"

"You think I don't understand that? But, bringing his father's death up here is a low blow. Change my mind."

Uhura decides to stay silent. She too felt, it was unnecessary.

"The purpose is to experience fear. Fear in the face of certain death. To accept that fear, and maintain control of oneself and one's crew. This is a quality expected in every Starfleet captain." Spock continued.

That's when an AIDE entered the hall and handed Barnett a PADD.

"We've received a distress call from Vulcan. With our primary fleet engaged in the Laurentian system, I hereby order all cadets to report to Hangar One immediately. Dismissed." Barnett said and left the hall.

Carolynn left her seat and made her way to where Jim was standing. His face unreadable.
She held his hand and laced her fingers with his.

"Are you okay?" she asked him with a apologetic smile.

"Now that you're here, yeah."

"Real smooth, Kirk." Carolynn replied with an eyeroll.

That's when Bones walked up to the pair.

"Who was that pointy-eared bastard?" Jim asked.

All Bones said was, "I don't know, but I like him."


Hah. No date, then. :(


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