The Next Morning.

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The next morning.
Location: riverside shipyard

"You think he'll be here?" Carolynn asks her father.
"I thought you hated him." Pike says in fake shock.
"Yeah, maybe not." Carolynn says as she gets into the shuttle, carefully avoiding the low rod of metal at the entrance.

Jim Kirk rides his motorcycle outside the shipyard, where he briefly witnesses the building of the Enterprise. After a moment, he rides toward the recruits' shuttle

A shipyard engineer watches Jim park his bike and says, "Nice ride, man."
Jim being himself, throws the keys to his bike towards the man and says, "It's yours."
"Four years? I'll do it in three. Is she here yet?" he continues, looking at Pike.
Pike decides to reply and gestures him to walk in.

Inside the shuttle:

Jim smiles like a kid at the Disneyland while walking into the sitting area, and hits his head at the exact metal rod which Carolynn had avoided.
The loud noise of Jim's head hitting the rod, made everyone turn their eyes towards him.

Carolynn saw a pair of glowing blue looking directly at her. She tried to stop herself from smiling, but all in vain. She was surprised that she was happy because a cute flirt who was an ass to her father last night, had finally made it to the shuttle on time.

Finally tearing his gaze off of Carolynn, Jim saw Cupcake and his fellow Muffins, "At ease, gentlemen." he said to the group followed by a mock salute.

Jim walked up to Carolynn and sat on her right.
"Morning, Rose!" he said to her with a smile, his eyes twinkling.
"I need to apologize for last night, I am really sorry for being such a dick to Captain Pike. But I think, I should apologize to you more than I should apologize to your father. You were the one who gave me a grand ass shouting. That was so fucking intimidating!" he continued.
This makes Carolynn chuckle. "Good Morning, Jim." She replied with a smile of hers.
"Although I don't know if your morning was a good one or not. Waking up with a headache from alcohol consumption and an epic beating, well I don't think one can call it a "good" one."
She continues with air quotes.
" no. I was actually looking forward to meet "a pretty brunette who goes around breaking hearts", in the morning. I could not really get a lot of sleep." he replied with air quotes, reciprocating her gesture.

Carolynn chuckles silently. She was surprisingly happy at his arrival. More than she should be.
"YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS FOR US." Jim's words from last night, starts ringing in her head.

"You need a doctor.", a female officer's voice breaks Carolynn out of her trance.
Both she and Jim lean forward to take a look at the commotion.
She saw a female officer quarrelling with a tall man. She looked a bit older than Carolynn and Jim.
"I told you people, I don't need a doctor. I am a doctor.", the tall man starts to to protest.

After some more bickering, the man had to give up when the officer threatened him, "Sir, for your own safety, sit down or else I'll make you sit down."

He then sat down beside Jim on his right.

Suddenly Pikes voice was heard, "This is Captain Pike. We've been cleared for takeoff."

The tall man then turned towards Jim and said, "I may throw up on you.

"Hah. I would pay to watch that show.", Carolynn chimed in, earning a unimpressed glare from Jim.

"I think these things are pretty safe.", Jim reassured the man.

The man scoffed, "Don't pander to me, kid. One tiny crack in the hull, and our blood boils in thirteen seconds. A solar flare might pop up and cook us in our seats. And wait 'til your sitting pretty with a case of Andorian shingles. See if you're still so relaxed when your eyeballs are bleeding. Space is disease and danger after darkness and silence."

This made Carolynn break into silent laughter. She was just shaking, as she pressed her palm onto her lips. Jim could feel her laugh as their shoulders were touching.

Jim then replied, "Well, I hate to break this to you, but Starfleet operates in space."
The man then realise that he was being rude to the guy, he then softened his tone, "Yeah, well, got nowhere else to go. The ex-wife took the whole damn planet in the divorce. All I've got left is my bones."

"Jim Kirk.", Jim introduced.
"McCoy, Leonard McCoy.", McCoy replied.
"Carolynn Pike. Nice to meet you." Carolynn said with a smile.
"Pike? As in the Captain's..?"
"Daughter. Keep your hand off of her. I got a warning from him last night.", Jim replied for Carolynn.

", Jim replied for Carolynn

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Heya! The next chapter will be a completely out of the film.
I can't wait to write it! In fact I'll start writing it immediately after publishing this chapter!
Guys, I've said this before, I'll ask this of you again.


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