Captain James Tiberius Kirk

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A week later.
Location: Starfleet Assembly Hall

Carolynn stood behind her father. Captain Pike was now addressed as Admiral Pike. He was currently on a wheelchair as his limbs were affected due to the torture he had to through aboard The Narada.

All the cadets, officers and other crew members had gathered for another important announcement.

"This assembly calls Captain James Tiberius Kirk, your inspirational valour and supreme dedication to your comrads is in keeping with the highest traditions of service and reflect utmost credit to yourself, your crew and the Federation. It is my honour to award you with this commendation."

Admiral Barnett then awards Jim with a medal of honour, and continues.

"By Starfleet order 28455, you are hereby directed to report to Admiral Pike, USS Enterprise, for duty as his relief."

Jim shakes Barnett's hand and approaches Pike, who was wheeled in by Carolynn.

"I relieve you, Sir." Jim says. All in attention.

"I am relieved." Pike replies with a wide smile.

Carolynn looks at Jim to find him looking directly at her. He then quickly removes his gaze and says, "Thank you, Sir."

"Congratulations, Captain." Pike says and shakes his Jim's hand, "Your father will be proud."

Everyone applauds as Jim looks at Carolynn, who widens her eyes and looks away. Jim gets the hint and turns to his right to look at his friends and other officers as they clap for him.

They were all so proud of him.


Location: Academy Grounds

Carolynn walks down the stairs to find Jim waiting for her.

Her heart wanted her to jump right into his arms, but that would look very crazy and she didn't want to attract much attention to them.

She walks up to him smiling as they both hug eachother tightly. Carolynn puts her hands around his neck as Jim holds her by her waist.

"Congratulations, Captain. I'm so proud of you." She says, tears threatening to fall.

"Thank you, Rose. Don't ruin my uniform with saltwater" Jim says, hugging her.

"Asshole." Carolynn laughs.

Suddenly she feels Jim tense up. She breaks the hug to look at him. He was looking somewhere behind her. She turns to find her father giving Jim a look, as if to say, 'I told you to keep your hands off of her.'

Admiral Pike smiles at them as Carolynn looks at her father. He then leaves the kids to themselves.

"I didn't know you were afraid of my father." Carolynn teases.

"Shut up, Pike" Jim says and pulls her back.

"You do realise that you two can't stay like that for the rest of the day, right?" Bones voice makes the two jump apart.

They see Uhura, Bones, Sulu and Scotty grinning at the pair.

"Hi, guys." Jim says awkwardly.

"You owe us two treats, Captain." Uhura says with a sly grin.

Carolynn furrows her brows.

"Erm? What?" Jim asks his crew members, as confused as Carolynn was.

"We're going out this evening, Captain. And you're paying." Scotty explains.

Carolynn laughs and says, "Ooh. Now I see what's happening."

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