I'm in love with this man!

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3 years later.
Location: Starfleet Cadet Quarters.

Carolynn was in her dolphin print PJs, thinking about the argument she had with her professor at her Weaponry class. She was not sharing her room with anyone like many of the other cadets. She hated to do that, but, she used her father's rank and got herself a room without a roommate.

It was a knock that broke her trail of thoughts

She opened the door to see a smirking Jim looking at her.
"What is it Jim? You need something?", she asked.
"Rose! Hi! Nice to see you too! I'm fine, thanks for asking!", Jim said in a mocking tone while walking into Carolynn's room.
"Don't act smart, James. What is it that you want? You never visit me at this hour. You're usually off looking for a new girl to shag.", Carolynn said, clearly annoyed at the man.

This threw Jim off guard. He turned about, facing Carolynn.
"Rosie, what's wrong?"
"Carolynn Rose Pike, I need you to tell me whatever the fuck is wrong or I swear to God I'll-"
"Nothing happened, Jim. I just had an argument with my weaponry professor. That's it. I'm sorry i was rude. Now tell me what brings you here?"

"We're going for drinks in half an hour." Jim says.
"We?" Carolynn questions.
"Bones, You and Me." Jim said as he started to walk towards the door.
"I'll need more than half an hour. You two go ahead, I'll meet you there."
"Okay, then. One hour, Rose Pike, one hour. Meet us at The Crime Scene. Nice PJs by the way", Jim smirks and leaves, making Carolynn blush.

Carolynn freshens up quickly. She decided to wear a Black short dress. It had a V neck line, showing a small portion of her cleavage. It had a neck band, so she opted out of any kind of neck ornament. She wore Yellow heels and matching yellow studs. She left her hair untied, her soft brown curls complimenting her winged eyes, light makeup and chocolate coloured lips. She chose to wear her favourite rose gold coloured heart beat bracelet. She finally walked out grabbing her yellow sling bag.

It was a short walk to the bar: The Crime Scene. She then walked towards the entrance of the bar.


'I saw her walk in. She was wearing a beautiful black dress. My heart did a cartwheel when she looked our way a smiled.'
'Damn! She's beautiful!' I thought to myself.

"Earth to, Jim. You're staring like a maniac.", I heard Bones say, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Man, she's beautiful." I whispered to him.

"You can click a picture if you want, James. I don't wanna ruin it for the girls who are currently staring at you." she sassed as she sat beside me.

"Was that a compliment?" I asked

"Huh. She called you out, you moron!", Bones chimed in, making Rose laugh.

"A shot of Jack for the lady, please." I asked the bartender. I then saw her smile from the side of my vision.

We had light conversations about the bar, the drinks they serve and about the dickheads who were eyeing Rose. I wanted to punch their guts out really bad.

"How's life, Bones?" she asked as her 6th drink arrived. Man! This girl could drink!

"Oh. Don't ask Lynn. The med bay is never empty, and I'm never jobless. It's exciting as fuck!" he replied in a mocking tone, making me smile. Rose was laughing as well.

"What about you, Jim?" she asked me.

I was going to reply when a Black haired man came and sat beside Rose.

"Carolynn! How've you been?" he asked.

'What?! She knew him? How? Why? Oh god. He is handsome. Why does she know him?!"

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