Out of the Chair

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All four of them are thrown out of the Shuttle.

Carolynn couldn't hear a thing other than her breaths.

All four of them were violently falling, cutting through the Vulcan air. Carolynn could hear Olson groaning.

Jim speaks up, "Kirk to Enterprise. Distance to target, five thousand meters."

"Forty-two hundred meters to target." Carolynn speaks up.

"Four thousand meters." Jim says.

"Three thousand meters." Sulu's voice was heard.

"Two thousand meters." Jim announces.

"Pull your chute." Carolynn directs.

Carolynn, Sulu and then Kirk pull their chutes. Olson does not.

"Two thousand meters!" Olson shouts.

"C'mon, pull your chute, Olson!" Jim shouts back.

"Not yet! Fifteen hundred meters!" Olson refuses.

"Open your chute!" Sulu says.

"Yeah!" Olson says.

"Olson, pull your chute!" Carolynn screams. 'he's not gonna make it' she said to herself.

"One thousand meters." Olson shouts and pulls his chute. He slams into the platform and is sucked into the energy beam

"Olson!" Jim shouts for the last time.

Jim and Carolynn land and nearly do the same as Olson, but they both retract their parachutes instead.

Jim and Carolynn get rid of their helmet, as a Romulan appears on the drill. He was about the attack Carolynn when Jim shouts and lunges onto the attacker.

The Romulan had a gun on him and shoots Sulu's shute. Jim tries stop him but fails. This is when two more Romulans appear and Carolynn begins to fight them both in hand to hand combat.

Sulu then lands on the drill.

"Generous of you to join us, Sulu." Carolynn sasses.

"Oh you're very welcome, Lynn" Sulu replies as he fights a Romulan with his sword.

"Does that count as flirting?" Jim asks as Carolynn rolls her eyes.

"So subtle, Kirk." She replies.

"No. It doesn't. Not really my area." Sulu replies.

"Either way, shut up and fight." Jim laughs.

The Romulan Jim was fighting, manages to throw him off the platform. Carolynn sees Jim hanging off the platform, as the Romulan tries to step on his hands.

Carolynn knees the Romulan in the abdomen and then kicks him on the face, throwing him off the drill.

"Sulu, save Jim. I'll take care of this one." She shouts.

She then pulls the Romulan off of Sulu and kick him on the chest. She lunges forward and lands a few more punches on the Romulan before kicking him on his groin and throwing him off too.

She turns head to see expressions on both Jim and Sulu's face.

Amused? Confused? Shocked? Horrified? Ooh definately horrified.

"Never really knew that you could fight like that, Rose." Jim says.

"Stick your eyeballs inside your heads, boys. I'm the Chief of Security. Of course I can fight like that.

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