You Cheat.

442 16 2

The next day.
Location: Simulation Studio of the Kobiyashi Maru.

Carolynn quietly entered the Simulation Room with Uhura. She saw Bones seated at the Helmsman's seat.

Uhura gave her shoulder a little squeeze and walked up to her communications station.

"Good Morning, Lynn" Bones wished her as she sat at the Navigator's pannel.

"Morning, Bones." she replied dryly.

It was at that moment, Jim decided to enter the room. He sang a cheery "Good Morning"

Carolynn didn't spare him a glance.


"We're receiving a distress signal from the USS Kobayashi Maru. The ship has lost power and is stranded. Starfleet Command has ordered us to rescue them.", Uhura recited in a single breath.

"Starfleet Command has ordered us to rescue them, 'Captain.Jim replied her words, emphasizing more on 'Captain'

Uhura rolled her eyes, so did Bones.

"Two Klingon vessels have entered the neutral zone and are locking weapons on us." Bones said, faking a panicked tone.

"That's okay." Jim said as casualy as he could.

"That's okay?" Bones said, clearly shocked.

"Yeah, don't worry about it." Jim replied.

"Three more Klingon warbirds decloaking and targeting our ship. I don't suppose this is a problem either." Bones sassed.

"They're firing, Captain." Carolynn speaks up. Barely audible.

"Alert medical bay to prepare to receive all crew members from the damaged ship." Jim ordered.

"And how do you expect us to rescue them when we're surrounded by Klingons, Captain?" Uhura said, mockingly calling Jim - Captain.

"Alert medical." Jim repeats, lifting his perfect eyebrows up.

"Our ship is being hit. Shields at sixty percent." Carolynn speaks up.

"I understand that, Rose" Jim replies, his voice soft.

"Well should we, I don't know, fire back?" Bones interrupted Jim's thoughts.

Jim then produces an apple from God knows where and bites onto it. Carolynn eyes him trying to hide her confusion.

"No" Jim replies to Bones.

"Of course, not." Bones mutters.

"What the hell are you doing, James?" Carolynn asks, she was now irritated beyond belief.

The power cuts and the lights go out and come back almost immediately.

Jim hums, "Hmm... arm photons, prepare to fire on the Klingon warbirds."

"Yes, sir", a Cadet replies.

"Jim, their shields are still up." Carolynn points out.

"Are they, Rosie?" Jim says cockily.

"No. They're not.", Bones says, his eyes still on the panel.

"Fire on all enemy ships. One photon each should do it, so don't waste ammunition." Kirk orders casually.

"Target locked and acquired on all warbirds. Firing." Carolynn responds.

The warbirds are easily dispatched.

"All ships destroyed, Captain." A cadet declares.

Jim smirks, "Begin rescue of the stranded crew. So, we've managed to eliminate all enemy ships, no one onboard was injured, and the successful rescue of the Kobayashi Maru crew is underway."

Carolynn gets up from her seat and leaves the simulation room.

Jim follows her outside.

"Rose. Wait. Please, for once hear me out. Give me just one chance to explain." Jim pleads.

Rose stops in her tracks and turns back to the tall blonde.

"Look, I'm sorry..I didn't mean to say such things to you. I'm really sorry. You know, we- we- our..the relationship we share is not a very clear one. There are confusions and uncertainty, I hope you're getting what I'm saying.."

"How did you pass the test, Jim? It's Kobiyashi Maru. No body passes the test. The Captain is expected to feel fear. The fear of death. The guilt of not being to save his crew. The fear not returning back to the one he lov-"

"Come on a date with me."


"You. Me. A date. Tonight."


"Rose, please. Just let me fix this, okay? I don't like it this way. You being all sad and upset with me."

Carolynn speaks up, in a hushed tone, "You cheated in the test today, Jim. Don't tell me you thought this through, if you had you would have never done something this stupid."

"You weren't there to stop me." Jim replied copying her hushed tone.

"Oh please do shut up. Just hope that you don't get grounded for this dumbass stunt you pulled."

She was about to leave when Jim pulls her back,

"What about the date?"

"I'll think about it if you survive three days without facing trial for this."


So. Date huh?

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