7. Sex Is In The Air

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Camila's POV

2:4O P.M.

"Sex is in the air." Jace says as he passes me the ball.

Luke tries to take the ball, but I'm faster, I dribble, chuck and score with ease. 

This is very normal when it comes to Jace Rivers.

I turn towards him and raise my left eyebrow as Kol whips off the sweat with his towel and Luke grabs the ball.

It's free period and we decided to catch up while throwing some hops until Jace decided to talk about the lack of sex in my sex life.

Again, very normal.

"So what you're saying that no one is a virgin because sex is in the air?" I ask, carefully trying to get this right as Luke laughs while dribbling the ball on his way to us. We all had shorts on, while the guys were shirtless, I had on a black sports bra.

Jace catches the ball that has been passed to him as he nods towards me, "Yup. See Milz everything around us is actually-" He shoots the ball then grins when it went in the basket with a perfect sound of 'swoosh'. "Sex." He finishes.

Kol rubs his forehead before running his fingers through his hair, "Explain." I nod in agreement because I need to know where this is going.

Jace shrugs with a nod, "Okay." He shakes his head, his hair following his lead, "Where does Oxygen come from?" He asks us but doesn't give us time to answer, "Trees right? So how do you think trees are made? They fuck to make more baby trees."

We all pause and look at him while blinking.

He rolls his eyes, "Okay fine. Say you walk past a house or a hospital or even a damn park. What you inhale isn't just Oxygen, but sex too. Because every second someone out there is fucking and we are gladly inhaling that shit unknowingly." He finishes.



"Inhale sex?"

Kol and I say at the same time as Luke follows later with a frown. Subconsciously, we walk towards him creating a circle. 

Jace looks at us of them with a boring look, "Yes. And some even just by a dirty alley, people can be very adventures. But that's not my point. My point is we are all not actually virgin."

"That's because we all had sex? Masturbate even." I say with a frown, "The whole concept of actually 'losing your virginity' is actually well... losing it. Physically."

"Who said?" Jace says raising his eyebrows.

"Ah, science?" Luke says as he drinks his water.

Jace rolls his eyes as Kol hums, "I think—I think I'm understanding what you are trying to saying but I don't believe that you lose it by inhaling sex." He says running his hand through his damp hair from the sweat.

"Oh my god. I can't believe I'm actually listening to you guys right now." I mumble shaking my head.

"What I can't believe is that we are actually interested in this whole conversation. All though it makes sense but at the same time it doesn't." Luke says, ruffling his hair as we begin to walking towards the locker room.

"All I'm saying is Camila here-" He wraps his arms around me as we walk into the empty locker room, "Needs physical sex. Not the one you inhale." 

I push him away while rolling my eyes.

"I mean no one is a virgin, life even fucks us over so..." He finishes and heads for the showers while the guys agree with him on that.

"Amen to that. But I still wanna know how people can have sex in a hospital let alone, a park." I hear Luke say from afar making me laugh as I grab my things and head to the showers too.

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