8. Firecrackers

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Camila's POV

3:2O P.M.

"We will be working together because I got a surprise for all of you." Our Design and Technology Dr said, grinning like a sucker, Dr. Andy Samberg. 

He is one of my favourite teachers here. He has crazy shaggy brow hair from all the explosives he does with my science Prof, Dr. Ryan Guzman.

I've always liked this class more than the others because my friends were with me and two of my favourite Dr's were our teachers, Dr. Samberg and Dr. Ryan Guzman. Best thing too, is we are in first name bases with them.

I frown knowing that every D.T class, Dr. Guzman shows up, especially to our class, he never cancels.

"Andy? Where's Ryan-" I was cut off when the door burst open to a very messy haired Ryan walks in.

"Right here! And I come bearing gifts." He says pointing at the door where students stood looking confused just like us.

Andy grins widely if that's even possible as he walks towards Ryan and start to whisper and nod.

Once they were done, they turned towards us with a smirk, "I know you're all confused but please-" Ryan says, turning towards the door and ushers someone in and in walks some students, "-Have a seat." Once they did, he run and closes the door and covers the window by the black paper.

My breathe hitches as I drink my water, making me cough hard and roughly when I saw that one of the students is non other than the Goddess herself. 

Kol starts rubbing my back as Jace and Dinah snicker.

"You good Camila?" Andy says in worry but I just wave him off with a side grin and put my water at the side.

"Yes, yes, sorry about that. Wrong pip."

"More like wrong liquid." Jace says making me go red seeing as he didn't whisper it when he said it, making Dinah, Luke and Kol laugh out loud.

I glare at Jace who shrugs.

Andy claps his hands grabbing our attention, "Now. We have these wonderful students because...." He turns to Ryan who grins back.

"We will be working on a project!" 

"Again?" Jace raises his eyebrow while the Dr's grin wickedly at us making us laugh.

"Yes! And this project will consume you and it has to be—by every god up there must. I repeat. Must not be talked about to anyone out of this room. We choose you because we trust you. And you guys have the most cleanest reports here." Ryan says in all seriousness while Andy nods.

"Will we be expelled?" Jace says raising his eyebrows at the two Dr's that fumble with their fingers.

"Well... Yeah. But! But, if we didn't we'll give you A on your report." Ryan with a worried grin.

Jace smirks with a glint in his eyes. "I'm in." He says making Kol and Dinah high-five him while the Professors smile at them before looking at everyone in the class.

"What's it about?" Luke asks.

"Something we found when the first earthquake hit." Andy says, "Fire will be involved among other things, if you agree to this."

Luke shrugs, "You had me at fire Dr."

"Please, call me Andy and him Ryan."

I nod too, "You know I'm in without saying." I say making both Dr's grin.

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