4. Majors & Major Dicks

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Camila's POV

Two agonizing hours later, we were both slump on the couch, drained and really hungry now, "I hate you." I tell him, breathing heavily.

He laughs at me and stands up, garbing his car keys, "I'm gettin' lunch. Wanna join me?" He says wiggling his car keys.

That's when the door opens with a loud bang and in walks Kol and Dinah with five full bags of grocery.

"Honey! I'm home." Kol says not noticing Luke who raises his eyebrow at me. 

I just shake my head and stand up with a light chuckle, "Kol. Meet our famous roommate, Luke Leto. Luke that's Kol my childhood best friend and our roommate I told you about." I say as Kol drops the bags on the kitchen table walking towards us.

He narrows his eyes at Luke who seems nervous, eyeing him for what felt like hours. 

I shake my head before Kol cracks a smile towards him and extended his hand, "Welcome Hollywood." He says making me roll my eyes at him.

Luke cracks a nervous smile and shakes his hand.

Kol turns and walks towards the kitchen, "I hope you like pizza and chines Hollywood, because that's what we got." He says, making me moan as my stomach growls again.

I look at Luke and smile, "Finally."

He laughs and follow me towards the kitchen where Dinah is fixing the grocery in the fridge while I garb the pizza box and moan again at the smell.

I begin to eat my Hawaiian pizza while looking at everyone. 

Luke was about to grab on peace from my box before I smack his hand away making him glare at me. I whip the corner of my mouth and look at him.

"Rule number 1: Never take my food. Get your own box pal." I say as I grab another slice of pizza.

Dinah laughs at Luke's squinting eyes and passes him a box with a shy smile, "Here... We always get her a whole box cause her fat ass eats it all." She says glaring at me, but I just shrug.

"I can see that." He says making me roll my eyes at him. He extends his hand towards Dinah with his own sweet smile making me raise an eyebrow, "I'm Luke Leto."

Dinah shakes his hand, bitting her lips, "Dinah Jane, nice to meet you." 

Still holding onto her hand, he smiles, "Likewise."

Kol gives me a side look before breaking the intense sparks between them, "So, Luke what you majoring in?" He says, making them move to sit down, and start up a conversation while grabbing some spicy chicken wings and wages.

Luke whips his mouth with some tissue on the table before answering, "Artificial Intelligence."

We all nod, "Same." We say in union.

"The extras?" 

He swallows and continues, "Engineering, DT and English Lit. You?"

Kol nods in approval, "Same, but instead of English I take Art." Kol says with grin as he grabs a drink.

Luke nodes his head before turning towards me, "Wha'abou' you." He says grabbing a 7up from the table as well.

I lick my lips, "English lit, Science Industrial Chemistry, Engineering and DT. After hours, I do art and dance too." 

He nods and looks over at Dinah, "Let me guess." When she smiles he continue, "Acting no doubt. Pretty face like that, they'll be on their knees for you."

Dinah blushes hard before shaking her head with a shy chuckle, "Engineering, Medicine and Health Science, DT and Industrial Chemistry."

"Be still my heart." He says with that charming smile, "That's it. I'll trust you with my life Dinah Jane. If I happen to be on my death bed." He says making her chuckle and blush hard at that.

She clears her throat while grabbing her drink, and tries to change the subject now knowing her face is as red as the tomato sauces of our pizza, "I dance as well, but a different style." He looks at her to elaborate which she did, "Mila here, break dances and I do ballet." She says with a proud smile, and I could've sworn his eyes shinned.

Luke looks at all of us in awe, "Did you guys like choose to be together or somethin'?" I chuckle at his thick accent, it's hot.

I nod with a grin, "Or somethin'."

The conversation carried on easily and smoothly and I could see Luke's demeanor relaxing that his vibe fit ours too. Kol even invited him for the Mission he has with the guys today, which Luke immediately agreed to.

Dinah and Luke fire back and forth with their filtering that Kol and I roll our eyes to.

It was 6pm and Dinah was being escorted to her dorm by Luke making me smile. He even so far as to asking her out to dinner tomorrow, to which she has agreed to.

I was cleaning the kitchen counter and table when someone clears their throat grabbing my attention.

"Yes Hollywood?"

Luke gives me a smile before he walks up to the bin and throws some of the empty drinks away, "Since we have English tomorrow at 10, I was hopin' you'd show me around campus. If you don't mind."

I turn to him by my eyes fall behind him at Kol who's passed out on the sofa with the box of wages on his stomach making me smile before I looking back at Luke, "Yeah no problem dude." I say making him grin.

"Thanks Camila." He says with a grin that I know would have women falling to their knees, he then points at Kol but he doesn't need to.

"I got it, don't worry." He grins and goes to get ready as I wake Kol up, "Hollywood?" I say, stopping him on his tracks.

When he turns giving me his attention, I give him a sweet smile, "Hurt her, and I'll rip your dick off and feed it to you."

He swallows thickly and gives me a nod, "Wouldn't have it any other way." With that he goes into his room.

I go over to where my childhood best friend is, "Kol." I say softly shaking him while put the box on the mini table, "Kol." I say a little louder, when I got nothing, I let out a huff. 

I shake him harder, which made him jerk from his sleep.

"I'm drowning in candy!" He says, making me burst out laughing at him. 

He whines and punches my shoulders, the action makes me fall on the beanbag behind me.

"Shut it you ass." He mumbles push his head deep in the pillow.

"I won't even ask what the dream was." He whines as I chuckle, "C'mon, get up." I say pulling him up.

He huffs in annoyance, "You're the worst friend ever." He said but not before giving me a kiss on both my cheeks with his hooded eyes, making me chuckle as he walks towards his room to get ready and meet up with JJ.

"Love you too." I sing-song making him flip me off.

I snicker and start cleaning up, when I was done, the guys had already left. 

I relax for a few hot minutes before decided to go for a jog. I head towards my bedroom and grab my Skechers, put them on and head out. 

As I walk out and start jogging towards the staircase, purposely skipping the elevator but before I push open the door, my eyes land on C-22, thoughts of just seeing her rush to mind, I take two steps and put my hand on the door.

Should I knock?

But before I could make up my mind, my heart started to beat faster than expected, making me take off super fast, especially when I heard shuffling behind the door.

"Holy fuck that was close..."

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