6. Camila The Poet

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Camila's POV

Tuesday- 1O:2O A.M.

"I'll pick a student and when I do. I want you to stand, say your name and answer my question with a quote from the poet. Understood. Good." Mr. White, our English professor said. 

I am currently in class with Luke by my side, I had already showed him around even though my body was a little sore from the run yesterday but I didn't mind helping him around.

I look at him, he's focused on what the professor was saying, brows frowning and he's bitting down on his lips. 

He has on blue jeans with dark blue shirt, a leather jacket and a white scarf making his eyes pop. Let's not forget his many rings.

As for me, I have on black tight but comfortable sweats with blue 'NYC' on, and a white thick long sleeved crop shirt that had a hood and black small heal boots. 

I let my really dark brown hair down, light make up around my eyes, pearl earrings and of course, my black steel feather neckless with few rings on my fingers.

Luke turns giving me a confused side smile, "I know I'm hot and irresistible."

I smirk at him and wiggle my brows, "Thanks babe, you don't gotta say that about me, I already know." 

He rolls his eyes as I look at my professor who is way too hot to just be a 'professor.' 

I've always had a little crush on him, I mean how can you not? He looks exactly like Ryan Gosling. And who ever looks like Ryan Gosling, I must have a crash on, I don't care how old they are.

Actually, never mind, they have to be 18+

But for real, the dude even has his killer blue eyes with those big glasses and that smile, and that soft blonde hair that he runs his fingers through to keep it away from annoying his beautiful blue eyes.

Those blue eyes turn to me and I can't help but smile at him, "Wow."

"Mmmm... Cabello. On your feet." 

Suddenly, I feel a jab on my ribs from my right side jerking me away from my day dream.

I glare at Luke who leans close with a smirk, "You're drooling."

My eyes widen as he snickers, he then points at the professor who's waiting on me. 

Oh shit, what am I suppose to do? 

I clear my throat in the deafening silence and stood up with confidence even though I don't know what the hell we are suppose to do. 

All eyes turn to me to which I was fine with, until I felt those eyes. Those same eyes from yesterday. Those eyes that I dream about. Those eyes that hypnotize me and make me feel lightheaded.

I turn my head to my left just to make sure and fuck, was I sure. 

There she is, seating five raws down like the goddess she knows she is, with her jet black damp hair from her morning shower, dark clothes that makes the mysterious woman she is, light make-up around those damn beautiful eyes making them pop and those pump sinful red lips that are so inviting that she always teases with that pink tongue of hers that I want to suck.

"Cabello. We don't have all day, you can daydream about whoever you're eyeing later." 

I snap my gaze back to the professor who has a smirk on his face making me blush a little that he caught me in a daze as the class giggle.

I clear my throat but stand tall, "On your go Prof." I say confidently with a firm nod, hoping he didn't already ask the question.

"Quote a poem from..." He thinks for awhile before that smirk comes back, "Thomas Ford." I heard him says and I didn't need to think of a poem. 

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