5. She A Runner She A Track Star

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Camila's POV

Reaching the ground floor, I jog pass the huge red and white cafeteria that is being occupied by some students and professors.

I push open the door of the cafeteria and jog through the glass hallway before taking a hard right and run down the stairs again, taking another right and fast walk ahead towards the outside door.

When the Seattle wind hit me, I stop and close my eyes breathing it in. I've always loved the cold, it calms me in ways I can't explain.

Opening my eyes and head towards the tracks that can take three different games at the same time. I look around and see just few students outside that are heading in, and from afar I can see a few guys playing football.

I begin to stretch for a good five minutes before I start off by jogging.

Running for me has always been something I enjoyed, the feel of burn and pain makes me in control. Puts me in a state of relief, I don't know why I stopped when summer started. 

Actually, that was a lie. I do remember, it was Kol and his booze parties we kept going to every week. Sometimes, they would be 3 times a week and I hated those, but I couldn't let Kol go alone.

It was fun, but things get boring quick for me. Things, people and etc.

After a few minutes of running, my mind goes back to the green-eyed Goddess to which only made me run faster. I want to clear my mind from her because knowing this will be my last year to ever see her, unless I make a move.

How can I talk to her? Isn't it too late already? I mean, what will she think of me when wanting to be her friend this year and later we'll just lose contact because both of us will be going our separate ways in life.

I begin to run faster, what if she only wants friendship with me and nothing more? What if she is already dating someone?

A good few hours later and a lot of 'what if's' later, I stop and fall on the wet-ish grass, breathing heavily and knees bent high, "I shouldn't have stopped running." I breathe out to myself.

I close my eyes, letting myself feel the cool air.


I might have napped on the grass because I was woken up by the earth shaking, I blink a few times, the sky is gloomy. I twist around looking at some students hiding behind the bleachers, my hands push hard on the grass, feeling the shake, it isn't strong but as time passes I can feeling it becoming harder.

Turning on all fours, eyes wide, "Oh?" I breath, "Oh okay, okay." I see the guys playing football sitting at the end by wall, taking a video of the whole thing.

I shake in place for few hot minutes before it stop.

I stand with a huff, looking around seeing more students now, looking scared shitless as they call home. I start heading to the vending machine that's by the door I walked out from. I was about to drop two cents but a lot of the drinks and snacks were already out.

I look at the ground and smile, "Thank you." I pick up the much need water bottle and chuck it down my dry throat and splash my sweaty face a little. 

I check my phone that was by by the bench but is now on the floor from the impact to see it's already 11:23pm and a bunch of notifications. Recent ones too.

I walk back inside while replying to my parents telling them that I'm okay and asked if mom and Sofia is doing okay. If she is any kind of pain. Once I got the reply I wanted, I replied to my friends and this time, not skipping the elevator. 

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