𝐁𝐫𝐨 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐘'𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐃𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞

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In most cases, this would've been a normal training/teaching lesson. Getting help from the pro hero, Thirteen himself. Maybe even getting to see your teacher, retired vigilante, Eraserhead, in action. Well, at least you got to witness the last part.

As the four of you sneaked up to the main part of the joint, y'all saw your teacher kicking hella ass. Although it looked like he was starting to get tired. He knocks out another villain and breaks another criminal's nose. In the process he sees his four students hiding, just watching from a distance. He signaled your group to leave, but doing that and being tired his guard was down. A villain with a hand covering his face grabbed your teacher's arm and it started self-destructing. His skin was falling off in dried-up chunks like dominoes, it was decaying.

Mineta was already running, Tsu was hyperventilating not knowing what to do, and Deku was just as concerned as you. You wanted to go help and you were going to. As lightning started enclosing around you, the bolts started to depreciate. You look up at your teacher, his eyes were bold shot red, and fatigued.

"Fuck his quirk," You complain quietly. Deku also felt the same feeling he'd felt his entire life.

"Well, are you up to doing this with no quirk?" You suggested.

"Whatever it takes to save Mr.Aizawa,"


"DON'T LET HIM TOUCH YOU," You acknowledged.

The villain's quirk had something to do with touch, and he was pretty frail so a couple of hits and decent dodging skills did the job.

"UGH WHY DON'T YOU KIDS GET OUTTA MY WAY," The antihero ordered.

It was obvious he wasn't too skilled in fighting but he tried at least to return punches. It was almost like choreography, one of you would dodge then the other would attack, or you both would throw a hit. However, the villain finally gave out and dropped to the floor. In unison you two high-five each other.

However...the celebration was quickly shortened by some mutation monster grabbing you. It had you by the neck, and its grip was tight. It was frightening like a monster you'd see in your nightmares. You kicked and struggled but its grip never loosened.

Everything became muffled and blurry, you tried to pry off his arms with the remaining strength you had, but it was no use. Your hero glasses, T.I.K.I, had fallen off your face, your throat was closing in on you, and your body went limp.

Was this the end......


Bakugo's POV

When me and Kiri were teleported to the fire zone it was pretty easy to get back to the main part of the joint. We had met up with Todoroki, That monkey dude, Rio, and that lame-ass dude that stays on my ass. They went to try the entrance again to get some help, and Todoroki stayed with me and Kirishima.

This was a total shit show.

This is the #1 hero school worldwide and you would expect them to have top-notch security. Also, how'd they know we would be here?

"OH SHIT Y/N," Kiri breaks my thought, forcing me to look up.

Y/n is being strangled by...I don't even know what to call it. I then examine the scene. Petty thugs scattered everywhere, our teacher laid out with a major injury, Deku trying to get up, and another villain passed out. I focused back on Y/N and she stopped fighting.

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