March 6, 2014, 10:42 AM

237 16 0

Hi Phil,
Oh dear I seem very ungrateful and like a grade A obnoxious enthusiast. (Does that even make sense? Oh well)
Let me get a few things straight.
1-I love playing the cello, but more hobby related than intensely. I'm not driving to become one of the 2 cellos.

2-I get disappointed when I don't get
an A because I try insanely hard.

3-I don't know lists just seem better when they have a third reason.

What's strange is I've made a new
friend. She's in my orchestra class, and yesterday we started talking about the new music and how we didn't like it. We soon started talking about other things, and it turns out we have a lot in common.
She said I always came across as shy.
To that I laughed and said, "just socially awkward that's all."
And that's when she said it. The words that would forever change my life, or I hoped they would. "Just like Dan and Phil." I squealed thinking of you guys, and she knew I was a fan as well. Then we talked about you guys non stop. It bridged the gap between us from friendly to friends. And I love it.
We found out that honors orchestra tryouts are next month. I really hope I get in. I hope Laura does as well. She's the one I just met. She plays the bass. And she's really good at it too. We may be the best in the class.
Love always,

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