April 19, 2014, 3:31 PM

131 10 0

Hi Phil,
I just woke up, I have no idea what time last night I feel asleep, but let me tell you...
my head hurts so baddddddd
This has got to be what a hangover feels like, although I've never had one because remember
1-I'm 15
2- I live in the US (where the drinking age is 21)
3-my future depends on my grades so I can't afford to be an alcoholic
4-if you couldn't tell already I'm a buzz kill.

Heh heh

Anyway, I had a strange dream last night...let me break it down for you.
I'm in this apartment, and there are boxes of books everywhere, but there are only 7 different books, with about 2 boxes for each, just FULL of them. And I have to read all of the I'm a few hours for school.  (That was a lot of info... You still with me¿)
But then this ghost comes and starts haunting me, and I can't get any work done.
So I run down a really crowded staircase, but it goes really slow because a bunch of business men in suits are on their way to work.
Anyway, I'm running in the street, and somehow I know that I'm in Japan even though I've never been out of the U.S. before.
Then I stop for a second and walk into the public bathroom, all I do is peek my head in, but when I turn back around, there's this guy dressed in black pointing a pistol at me.
But then from behind my back I whip out an even larger gun and aim it at him. I manage to grab him, and walk him over to the police, who very rudely refuses to arrest him, even though he was pointing a gun at me.

And that's when I woke up.

Although now that I think about it. I could have been arrested along with the gun man because I had a gun too, and an even more threatening one of I do say so myself.

Anyway I just thought I'd share that with you, because I have no one else to talk to. (I didn't mean that in an, oh poor me I have no friends way, but that's probably how it came across. If you couldn't tell I like to put myself down ;) ) oh you can't put a smily face in a parentheses or it will just look weird.
Exhibit A. (:))
It's there you just can't tell.

That's a rip off.

Love always,

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