March 31, 2014, 2:45 PM

150 17 0

Hi Phil,
No I'm not dead nothing's happened recently in my life except for...

Sorry I won't leave you hanging

Drum roll please....

HOLY CRAP! It just happened today, you'll never believe! Val got into a really big fight with Alex and Laura because she wanted me to stop sitting with them at lunch. They told her that I was one of their good friends now and that if she couldn't deal with that she should stop sitting with them! Then Val stormed off to God knows where.
I don't know why it surprises me so much that they stood up for me. I guess it's because no one ever had before.
I like it. It comforts me to know that people care about me enough to actually fight back.
There's also other news, Dani has a crush. It's on a guy in her Language Arts class, and my Orchestra class. His name is Will, and apparently she's fallen head over heels with him.
She says they talk a lot, and are always partners if need be. It's heartwarming, although there is something a little off putting about it all for me. Because, well. I haven't had a "crush" in 3 years.
It's starting to scare me.
Once I was at a party with one of my old friends and we were playing truth or dare. I chose truth, like the wuss I am, and I was asked who in the circle I would make out with if I could.
It was a horrible and terrifying experience. Being an introvert I did not want to go to the party, but at the same time felt like I HAD to go. I didn't even have fun during it. Not once.
Once the question was asked a panic settled over me, and I became more nervous than I already was.
Because the thing is, I did not have ANY feeling or desire to kiss even the hottest boy there. And all eyes were on me. And what was I supposed to say? Because later they might make me kiss that person, and I really don't want to. At all.
So I went for a laugh, "that pineapple." I said pointing at the one on the kitchen counter. Most people laughed but looked disappointed there had been no juicy revealings.
The friend that invited me just gave me a really upset glare.
I've gotten a little off topic. Oops.
Love always,

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