District 7.

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Finnick was right, the Captiol did have me busy. Blight and I had to go and see the families of our fallen tributes. I never found it enjoyable, having the parents and siblings crying on my shoulders as I tell them that their child was very brave...

After 2 months I was done with my jobs the Capitol had left me I had lots of time to play around with my axes.

One day I dripped in sweat, my hair was greased with it too. But I grinned, pleased I had gotten something out of today. The phone rang just as I walked into my lonely dark house.

"What." I pick up

"Oh common Mason, I expected a much better greeting then that..." I hear Finnick mutter, I knew he was smiling

"Finnick?!" I couldn't believe. "What, uh, hey, how are you?" I hold the phone close to my ear and cheek.

"I'm okay, tired, I've barely had a free minute! Captiol are keeping me busy, I hear they're keeping you busy too?" He asks

"Nothing I can't handle." I smirk speaking

"That's my girl." He sighs

"How are things in 4?" I ask quietly

"Oh you know, all good, fairly quiet actually. President Snow came to visit me."

"What for?!" I growl as I hated Snow.

"Oh, warning me about Katniss Everdeen." I listen carefully. "I think he feels threatened by her."

"Good. Victors do need a bit of fun. Have you heard from Haymitch?" I ask him

"Not really, I spoke to him once when I was in the Capitol. He's back on the alcohol... Poor guy." Finnick sighs again.

"Finnick it's his choice whether to pick up a bottle or not. No ones forcing him..." I mumble back

"True I suppose. He's been through a lot though..." He pauses "Johanna I miss you..." He whispers

"I miss you too." I croak to him smiling. "Please come and visit me, I'm going mad in my house! I'm all alone now remember..." I tell him

"Yes I know..." He pauses thinking. "I can come over in 2 weeks. I can trick Annie into thinking I'm going to the Capitol." I grin

"You promise? 2 weeks? On the train?" I say excitedly

"Course." He says excited back.

"FINNICK!" I hear Annie shout from far away on the phone.

"it's Annie. I'll see you in two weeks, the train will arrive two weeks exactly at about 11 am. See you then, I love you." He says as he waits for me to say it back.

"I love you too." I mutter, with that he puts the phone down and I buzz with excitement.

The 2 weeks dragged but the day arrived that Finnick would be here. I waited at the district 7 station. It was cold, and I was wearing my black leather jacket with fur on it. I waited impatiently.

But just after 11, the train pulled in. I closed my eyes and felt someone next to me. "Hey Mason." Finnick breathes

I couldn't keep my eyes closed anymore, I open them, grin and wrap my skinny arms around Finnick. He kisses me, but I'm smiling too much to make it a good kiss.

"I've missed you so much." I grin.

"I'm so glad I'm here." He breathes

"So how long you staying for?" We begin walking out of the train station as we walk to my victor house.

Johanna & Finnick - The Real Lethal Lovers.Where stories live. Discover now