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I couldn't bare to watch helplessly at the sight of Johanna's body, I wasn't prepared for them to tell me she was dead... So I returned back to my room.

I cried myself to sleep, thinking she was gone. Annie didn't wake up once whilst I cried, I was glad of course that she didn't wake. But my lethal lover was dead... And she tried so hard to stay alive for me. It didn't feel right, if she was going to die, it would either be if she was still in the Games and killed by Enobaria or die of old age or something like that... But her heart failing at the age of 22 didn't seem real or even possible for her. The guilt rushed over me, how could I let her suffer so much for me and not do anything about it...? It was too late now, I had to marry Annie. It was the only way to move on from this tragic loss...


I woke up alone the next morning, for once I didn't care where Annie had gone or what she was doing. It was nice to be alone for awhile, to be drunk in memories of Johanna, already I felt like she had gone completely, and that I'd never see her beautiful muddy brown eyes again - even if they were glaring at me.

I quickly threw on my grey overalls and slowly paced myself up to the hospital ward. My breathing was heavy, I felt so sick to the stomach, the smell of food made me almost vomit. I desperately hoped that there would be a nearby bin when Honey O'Miles gives me the news.

I gulp, seeing Haymitch sitting on the floor with his head in his hands, his elbows resting on his knees, he looked like a broken down statue... He was in the corridor alone. No nurses were panicking around here anymore, it was silent. Dead silent. The only thing I could hear was the sound of my racing, thudding heart and my continuous heavy, deep breaths.

"Haymitch?" I croak, he looks up, black lines were engraved into his perfectly pink skin, his eyes bright red, his beard more scruffy then it was the day before. The man looked much older, like he had aged 20 years in just one dreadful night. "Have you been here all night?" I ask.

He stands up, a little wobbly not saying a word and turns to look in Johanna's room. "She's dead... Isn't she..." I whimper holding back the tears, completely unprepared for it to be true.

Haymitch whips his head to one side to call me over, he folds his arms and stares into the room where Johanna was. I gulp, thinking I'd see nothing but an empty bed.

I look closely into the room and see her chest slowly rising and falling delicately, I hold my breath just to make sure my head wasn't imagining it, but it really was her breathing. "She's alive..?!" I say almost not believing my eyes, she looked peaceful, like she was just sleeping, like nothing abnormal had happened to her.

I look at Haymitch and he smiles humbly, tears of joy flood my eyes and I grin, I chuckle, so pleased with the unexpected news.

"She's been asleep most of the time." Haymitch mutters

"She's alive!" I say knowing it was true, reassuring myself this wasn't another surreal dream.

"When can I see her?" I ask him.

"When she asks to see you." Haymitch spits at me. "Go and tell the others she's alive, they'll be pleased to know, they don't even know what's happened to her."

"How are Katniss and Peeta doing?" I ask not wanting to leave the hospital yet.

"He's improving." Is Haymitch's quick reply.

I could see he wasn't in the mood for much conversation. "Go and get some rest Haymitch, please." I beg him.

Haymitch heavily sighs and nods in agreement.

"Haymitch," Honey calls from behind, how long had she'd been here for? "If there's any change I'll let you know." Haymitch smiles to her

"Thanks Honey" he mutters

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