Chapter 4: A Different First

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The moment that Bokuto and Kuroo finally had that conversation of "What are we?"

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The moment that Bokuto and Kuroo finally had that conversation of "What are we?"

Maybe they had put it off, or maybe it just never came up, but whenever they were sat in Bokuto's car on the way home from the airport after landing back in Japan, Kuroo asked it. That question that everyone had contemplated, including them.

When it initially rolled off of his lips, he bit his tongue. Was it weird to ask that? Would Bokuto feel alienated by it?

They had been best friends for years, and while Kuroo was completely aware that his friend was incredibly attractive, he had never thought about a relationship like that growing between them. That was, until you came into the picture.

That connection between them, the person that they had so casually decided to share. You had created a completely new dynamic to their lives.

So when the question finally escaped Kuroo's lips, Bokuto wasn't completely unprepared for it. Still, he wasn't prepared either. He bit his tongue for a second as he thought of the exact way to encapsulate what he was thinking. "I," he said before pausing. "I want all of us to be together."

Kuroo breathed out for a second. Things were heading in a direction that he at least agreed with. "Isn't that what we're already doing?"

"No- well, yeah," Bokuto sighed, "but like together together."

"Okay," Kuroo breathed out. This was going exactly how he wanted it to, this was what he imagined when he thought of going through this conversation. "So, are we-"

"Are we?" Bokuto asked back. He was stopped at a red light in that moment, so he turned to face his friend with big eyes. It was clear he was just as confused as Kuroo in this situation.

"Is that weird?" Kuroo asked back, throwing his head back and dragging his hands down his face. "You've been my best friend for so long. How would we even explain?"

Bokuto started driving again as he contemplated the same thing. "I mean, it's just us it involves, right? So, do you think it's weird?"

Kuroo looked back at the boy that was driving next to him. He remembered back to about a month ago when he realized that he wanted not only you, but Bokuto, too. The relationship was the best of everything and made him realize so much more. "I don't think it's weird," he answered.

They were right near Kuroo's house now on their drive, but Bokuto instead parked on the side of the road a bit down from their destination. He turned towards the middle blocker as he said, "I don't think it's weird either."

"Great," Kuroo said, suddenly feeling different that his face was so close to his own. The two of them had already seen each other naked multiple times, but he was blushing at the fact that their faces were within a foot of each other? "Now what?"

Bokuto bit his lip as he looked back to the road, which made Kuroo almost want to groan that his face wasn't that close anymore. Maybe it was time he just grabbed it and-

Bokuto turned his head back around and pushed himself forward at the same time that he reached his hands out to grab Kuroo's face. Their lips met before either of them could think about it and psyche themselves out again.

It was different, that much was certain, but it definitely wasn't bad. After only a couple seconds, they broke away and stared at each other with wide eyes as Bokuto sat back in his seat. They continued staring until suddenly both of them burst out into laughter.

"Why did I not hate that? Why did I like kissing you?" Kuroo asked between cackles.

"Because I'm a good kisser, asshole!" Bokuto said back as he finally calmed down his own laughter.

"Ehhh," Kuroo droned out as Bokuto turned to him with an offended expression.

"Don't make me do it again to prove you wrong," Bokuto said as he sat up.

"What if I just wanted you to do it again?" Kuroo asked, also sitting up.

With that, Bokuto reached out again and they continued to deepen their own connection more and more as they finally acted on those feelings that had left them so confused for so long. It felt great, and each of them loved every second of it, but there was another thought on their minds.

After a much longer period of time, Kuroo pulled away and said, "We need to talk to (y/n)."

this is short and i haven't formatted it or anything yet but i really wanted to put this out because there's so many people asking for it :)

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this is short and i haven't formatted it or anything yet but i really wanted to put this out because there's so many people asking for it :)

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