Careful Makin' Wishes in the Dark #5

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Tobi's journal:

How unoriginal of my subconscious to take inspiration from recent traumatic events. I'm beginning to suspect that I am running out of plots for nightmares. I suppose that a dream every night for about twenty years is difficult to supply. I should consider stopping before it's entirely reruns. Perhaps, if I explained the situation, Mr. Edburt would consider taking up permanent residence in someone else's  mind.

If only.

Though, I suppose it would be quite difficult to come up with the perfect torture for someone new. Edburt had gotten mine down completely.

I can't imagine anything worse than having to relive a day of spending time with my family.

I found myself back in the church which the coma had been a much-welcomed reprieve from. I had almost forgotten how crowded it was there.


This is complete bullshit, I thought to myself before turning to the front doors.

"Where are you going, Tobi?" Dream Mattias asked. 

I vaguely wondered if Edburt was in control of them all like some sadistic puppet master. Probably.

"I don't have to deal with this, Edburt," I announced loudly.

Dream Mattias tipped his head curiously. "Edburt? What is that?"

"Hell if I know," I mumbled in annoyance as I left the church and walked off into the forest. I would eventually wake up. As long as I could wait it out, I could walk forever and avoid this whole situation. I didn't expect to be able to get anywhere near civilization, but the woods would likely go on forever, which I could handle. It was better than being back at the church. My family was insufferable enough without Mr. Edburt's influence.

The woods were always quiet— a stark contrast to the church. In this dream, the trees rustled and the feeling of being watched as I walked was very present. A ploy to get me to turn around and go back to the church, no doubt.

However, I would much rather be eaten by whatever monsters Edburt had put there than go back to the church. In fact, the monsters were welcomed. If I could get out of this quickly without following Edburt's original plan, I considered it a win.

Of course things never go as planned and life really has an interesting way of saying, "Fuck you."

I immediately became suspicious of the lights in the distance up ahead. There was no way I was getting out of this.

I was correct, obviously, as I stepped out of the trees to find the church that I had been walking away from directly in front of me. I almost laughed at how predictable it all was.

Promptly, I turned around and walked back into the woods. Two could play that game. 

I'm certain I hadn't been walking as long as the first time when I came upon the church again. 

I turned around once more. 

The dream wouldn't progress if I didn't go in the church. 

I had barely walked for five minutes when the church loomed in front of me again.

"I can do this all night," I announced to Mr. Edburt.

He had other plans, however, because I turned and found myself inside the church. 


At least I had managed to piss him off, which, if nothing else, was a minor accomplishment.

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