Careful Makin' Wishes in the Dark #1

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(A/N Thank you to @xXx_Ace_xXx for giving me the idea for this chapter!)

Tobi's Journal:

It was dark. My room was barely visible.

I knew, in my mind, what I had to do, but I didn't understand why.

Don't ask questions. Do as you're told, a voice in the back of my mind scolded.

With that, I accepted my mission. Slowly I got out of bed, careful not to wake my brother, Theodore, sleeping soundly just a few feet away. The door creaked slightly as I pushed it open. I held my breath as I listened for sounds of stirring. It was silent. I continued blindly in the dark.

Though I couldn't see, my body moved on its own, taking me to the kitchen.

A light was on in Father's study. I paused in the hall before sneaking past quietly. No one could know what I was doing.

This is wrong, I told myself. You shouldn't be doing this, I told myself.

It is necessary, The Voice said.

Why? I wondered.

No more questions. Do as you're told, The Voice said.

I obeyed.

I understood this Voice was not me. I understood it was greater than me.

Is this a mission from God? I wondered. Father cannot punish me if I am on a mission from God.

The Voice did not reply.

I climbed onto the kitchen counter so that I could reach what I had come for.

Moonlight shone through the window in shafts. It illuminated the object I needed. The large knife gleamed in the dim light. I picked it up and ran the serrated edge along the pad of my thumb. Blood welled up instantly in the cut. I wiped it off on my shirt.

I climbed down from the counter, knife in hand. Gripping it firmly, I walked silently to Mattias's room. I stood over his bed, looking down at his sleeping form-- a dark blob in the shadowy night. I placed one hand on his shoulder, startling him awake.


"Come with me, Mattias," I whispered.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

I offered him my hand and he took it reluctantly. I led him through the dark halls of the house. He gripped my hand tightly. I could feel his pulse. It was fast-- much faster than usual. He was scared. So was I. And still, he followed me blindly.

Stupid, I thought.

I glanced back at him. He rubbed his eyes blearily.

"Tobi, where are you taking me to?" he asked.

I didn't respond for quite some time.

Truthfully, I didn't know. The Voice knew. My body knew. I did not. I followed my feet where they took me.

Stupid, I thought again.

"You'll see," I said eventually because I didn't know what else to say. "You'll see."

We both will.

"Why do you keep saying that, Tobi?" Mattias asked. "Why won't you tell me?" Worry was becoming evident in his voice.

"Do you trust me?" I said.

Mattias hesitated. "Yes."


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