06| her past

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The ride was about ten minutes, surprisingly pretty near to her apartment

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The ride was about ten minutes, surprisingly pretty near to her apartment. Kane had turned on the radio which made the silence less awkward.

Soon enough, Leah noticed the familiar things in her neighborhood. "Thank you Kane" Leah said gratefully as Kane smiled.

"I'll see you tomorrow" Kane waved at her who replied "See you" before he drove off.

As he was driving back, he couldn't help but think of Leah and how he couldn't wait to see her tomorrow although he just saw her.

Am I in love? He thought. It was a very unknown feeling. He rarely felt like this.

He decided to drive back to his parents place and stay there for the night as it was late now. He still had his old room there so it would be okay.  

By the time he reached his place, he expected his parents to be asleep, or at least in their rooms and her sister going back to her place.

However, what he saw was a completely unexpected sight. His parents and sister were standing at the door, expecting for his return.

"What the hel-heck are y'all up to?" He knew his mother would give him a earful he cursed.

"Waiting for you of course" The three of them said at the same time, which made everyone laugh.

"We are going to conduct an investigation. Please follow us and we will not use violence" Matthew said, pushing him to the dining room.

Both his mother and sister followed behind, making sure he doesn't run away.

Matthew pushed him into the seat and started the interrogation.

"What is your relationship with Leah?" Enya asked, preparing to write it down.

"Erm, boss and employee?" He stated, unsure what the hell was happening.

"Hmm, sureee. Suspicious" Enya said, writing down on a piece of paper.

Kane was concerned for his family. What in the world happened to them?

"Do you like her?" Audrey asked, looking at him.

Yes. "Er no?" Kane lied, even though you can clearly tell he was lying.

"Ya right. Okay then, do you love her?"

I'm not sure. "No" Kane continued to lie.

Although he had met her only quite recently, he felt some sort of connection to her. 

"Can you see yourself with her in the future?" They probed further, trying to get something out of him.

Maybe, more yes than no. "Not really" He continued lying through his teeth but everyone could tell that he was just deceiving himself.

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