28| arrested

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"What?! Daughter-in-law? You are such a comedian Audrey" Jessica laughed at her words, thinking she was joking

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"What?! Daughter-in-law? You are such a comedian Audrey" Jessica laughed at her words, thinking she was joking.

"Come on Audrey, no need to help this piece of low life" Wiping her tears, Jessica said.

Realizing Audrey wasn't joking, Jessica shrieked, "Are you serious?! You chose her. Over me?!"

Though Enya, Scarlet and Leah knew Audrey was just bluffing, they helped to keep the act up.

"Please, I would rather eat shit then have you as my sister-in-law" Enya looked at Jessica is disgust.

Jessica rolled her eyes, unable to believe their words. "Y'all are actually weird people" Jessica told them.

Leah felt a vibration at her pants and took it out to see it. Fishing the phone out from her pocket, she quietly headed of to the corner to pick up the phone.

"Hi Leah, they are outside now. We are coming in now" Stressing on the now, Stephanie told her.

She and the girls had made a signal to show that they were coming- a gun symbol on their hand.

They knew that they had to keep them longer but not making it too obvious so that the police could get them and conclude this case.

Just then, they heard the doors opening and saw many police officers surrounding all exits, making sure there was no way they could escape.

Stephanie had then just entered, saying: "Jessica Jane Warts?" Jessica nodded. "Bianca Jillian Hayes?" Bianca too nodded. "Hannah Marie Keys?" Hannah also complied.

"The three of you are under arrest for vandalism and breaking in" Stephanie said. "Cuff them"

Despite their struggles, the officers managed to get them into the police cars.

"I will be the only person worthy to be the daughter-in-law of the De Luca family! Not Leah Knight!" Jessica shouted at the top of her lungs, causing even more stares to fall on her and Leah.

It definitely caused a big mess.

"Thanks Stephanie for your help" Leah smiled in appreciation.

"No need to thank me. Just doing my job" She replied and entered the car which drove off.

The four ladies could finally relax.

"Come on. Let's go back and continue fixing up the place" Enya said, pushing everyone back in.

Slowly, the commotion had died down which was great. No one wanted to deal with the states that were on them for the past thirty minutes.

The rest of the time was spent rebuilding and  leaving sending the covers to the laundry shop for help.

Music was blasting loud enough for them to enjoy but not too loud to have a noise complaint.

She also had to plan and be careful about her budget now. Leah still needed to build a changing room as well as some toilets, and possibly invest in a better security system.

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