13| ice skating 'date'

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The next day, Leah woke up disoriented

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The next day, Leah woke up disoriented. For a second she had forgotten she wasn't at the place, and instead at Kane's.

The whole of last night passed by like a blur. It was the most fun she had in a while.

Seeing the time was still sort of early, 10.17 am to be precise, she laid on the couch which both of them slept at.

After the movie marathon, Leah munched on the burger while Kane whipped out another burger from the bag for dinner.

They then decided to have a karaoke session, singing their hearts both. They both agreed they sucked at singing.

Their voices were going to be brought with them to their grave. They were too ashamed to relive those moments.

Kane was still asleep when she woke up, so she took the time to study his features.

Leah looked at him, looking at his face very closely. He looked very peaceful in his slumber.

She saw how beautiful his features were, god really has favorites, she thought.

Seeing that it was pointless to go back to sleep as it was hard for her to do so, she got up.

Remembering the mini-tour he gave her after dinner last night, Leah successfully navigated where the toilet is.

Once she was done freshening up, grabbing some toothpaste and a toothbrush left out in case she stays over. True enough, she did. She then left the bathroom.

Leah wanted to cook breakfast for him but decided against it. First, it wasn't her house. Second, she doesn't know what he likes, or any allergies and third, it was a little awkward for her.

So she planned to wait for him to wake up to have breakfast later. However, as she was about to surf the web, she heard a familiar voice.

"I wonder whose shoes are those, definitely not Romeo's or Scarlet's" It was Audrey's voice.

"I guess we will find out" And that was Enya's voice.

Now she panicked. What excuse could she give that was believable. This was the time Leah needed Kane to wake up, but she didn't have the heart to wake him up.

Leah racked her brain, trying to come up with an excuse but thinking under pressure is not her forte.

"Oh, Leah hi!" Audrey exclaimed, reaching over for a hug when she was Leah.

"What a surprise" Audrey said.

"Hi Audrey. Hi Enya" Leah smiled awkwardly, trying to act cool.

Just then, Kane stirred from his sleep, having woken up by the buzz of voices.

He rubbed his bleary eyes, trying to keep them open. He didn't feel like he was in the right state of mind.

However, when Kane rubbed his eyes more, he was surprised to see his mother, sister and Leah engaged in a conversation.

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