29| spontaneous trip

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"Honey, take a look" Kane said a little weirded out by the randomness of the news

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"Honey, take a look" Kane said a little weirded out by the randomness of the news. There wasn't anything he did that caused people to think that did he?

Kane was adamant about not getting Leah in the spotlight as much as possible.

Leah, who was completely unaware by this piece of news, was shocked to see that headlines.

Who in the world was so free to make up lies and post them for clout? 

"Oh god, what in the world did my eyes just see" Leah muttered to herself, completely astonished by the piece of news.

Suddenly, she remembered something. Earlier that day Audrey blurted out daughter in law, which might trigger that news.

"By the way, Hannah, Jessica and Bianca were all arrested today. And Bernard too" Leah told him, remembering the events earlier today.

"That's great. At least now we don't have to worry about any of them anymore" Kane said to her in response.

She knew that he didn't know who Bernard was and she felt bad, but she didn't want to tell him.

Leah was afraid of what Kane would say, and possibly leave her after telling him the whole story.

For her own selfish reasons, she would rather withhold her story first.

Just then, the food had arrived. Placing their phones away, they reduced a source of distraction.

With all the drama recently, they needed a break, Kane thought. And he thought of a vacation.

Satisfied with his idea, he asked Leah for her opinion. She might not want it, he reasoned. He would rather make sure Leah was to enjoy the trip.

"What's your thoughts on a vacation?" Kane had blurted out randomly while she was munching on the food.

"You mean travel? Like right now?" Leah asked, very much shocked.

"Not now, but in a weeks time? It's about time we have some relaxation" Kane responded.

She didn't reject, but she didn't accept.

"Please honey" Kane pleaded. "We will have a great time there" He reasoned with her.

Laughing at Kane's pout, she shook her head at how ridiculous he looked.

"What's with you and asking me things today huh? First the moving in, then a trip?" Leah said.

"So?" Kane asked, hoping for the best.

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