32| an accident

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After that weird interaction with Olivia, Leah's thoughts were all over the place

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After that weird interaction with Olivia, Leah's thoughts were all over the place. At least she could share her thoughts with Kane.

She drove back to their place and took a quick shower. Modeling was tough work. Standing in the spotlight was super hot.

Kane told her they were going for dinner to somewhere new and told her to dress classy.

With that information, she looked through her closet. There were a few candidates here and there, but ultimately decided on a rose dress with a white jacket.

 There were a few candidates here and there, but ultimately decided on a rose dress with a white jacket

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Once she put it on, she started to do her makeup and hair, getting it done within fifteen minutes.

After that, she sprayed perfume on and chose her shoes for later, placing at the front door.

It was just an asian thing. No shoes in the house.

(AN: is it just me or what? #asian gang)

Seeing that she had time, Leah decided to upload the photographs onto the website. It was half done, mainly due to the lack of photographs.

Placing it halfway, she noticed her phone 'ding' and thought it was Kane. Leah was about to leave when she realized it was from Olivia

Hey sorry for the interaction just now. I was kinda feeling lonely these days since my parents are traveling

it's alright

Leah quickly replied as she saw an incoming call from Kane.

"Hey honey. I'm outside already" Kane said.

"Alright, give me a second. I'm coming down now" Leah said, rushing to wear her shoes.

She opened the door to see Kane there, leaning against the car.

When he saw her, Kane immediately opened the door for her. Replying with a thanks, she settled into her seat.

Noticing an unread message, she opened it and just a 'have fun' from Olivia. Replying with a 'thanks', Leah than focused her attention back on Kane.

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