23| birthday surprise

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*warning; mention of the word 'boner', just thought i'll let y'all know*

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*warning; mention of the word 'boner', just thought i'll let y'all know*


It was 3 March. Leah's birthday.

And Kane was freaking out. He had thought long and hard about what to get for her. He wanted to get her something meaningful, and it hit him.

She would surely love it.


He had purposely got up earlier than usual to prepare breakfast in bed. He had taken a day off as it was a Wednesday.

Kane planned to make french toast with eggs, something his mom had taught him when he was younger. It is a fool-proof plan. Or was it?

With a clear mind, he began cooking, not too loud so Leah wouldn't be woken up. He wanted it to be a surprise.

Thankfully, everything worked out in his favor. The french toasts and eggs didn't burn and Leah hadn't woke up yet. He even had the time to clean up before she woke up.

After cleaning up the kitchen, he checked the time. It was 9.23am. Perfect. Leah would be waking up at any minute now so he had to hurry up. 

The smell of the french toast and eggs must have woken Leah up as the moment Kane had entered their shared room, she found her stomach grumbling at the aroma.

"Morning baby. Happy 24th birthday Leah" Kane said as she slowly opened her eyes.

Though she wasn't fully awake, she still was awake enough to register what Kane was doing.

"Thank you so much honey" Leah said, giving Kane a hug. Because of the proximity, Leah sat on his lap where his penis was.

Unknowingly, Leah had given him a present. Kane however didn't say anything. It would be way too awkward.

Getting up, she went to brush her teeth while Kane muttered out a string of colorful language.

"Damm it Leah, why did you give me a boner?" Kane muttered


He had to take a cold shower to calm it down. As much as he wants to make love to Leah, he would wait. Kane didn't want to pressure her.

After that breakfast in bed surprise, Kane had told her to get ready. He already had a plan.

Have the morning and afternoon to themselves and have a small get together at night, plus the biggest surprise that she sure would love it.

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