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Marry a sickly former marshal

Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 1

    The slightly gloomy alleys extend in all directions, the narrow streets are scattered with many mecha fragments and garbage, and pools of sewage accumulate in the corners, exuding an unpleasant smell.

    The garbage star, who should have been sleeping, is more lively today.

    "Damn, it's damn unfair!"

    A sloppy orc scratched his messy hair, "Why is it not me who matches Lu Wanwan with more than 70%?!"

    "It's fake, right? "?" Another lion orc who specializes in garbage-using business couldn’t help but staring at the primary brain on his wrist and muttering, “I’m not matched?”

    Three months ago, one of the few natural females in the empire Yiluwan passed adulthood late.

    The Empire collects orcs data on a large scale, and based on genetic matching, one hundred orcs who match her with more than 70% will be selected as one of the candidates for her future mate.

    As long as he is selected, he can have the possibility of concluding a contract with Lu Wanwan.

    It is nothing to bond with "Lu Wanwan", but to bond with "natural females" is an opportunity to change their lives and reach the sky in one step.

    Natural females are scarce in number, and each of them is a treasure of the empire, possessing wealth and status that ordinary people cannot imagine.

    As long as you make a contract with Lu Wanwan, you can easily get a higher citizenship, a capital star house worth more than their entire planet, and wealth that they can't struggle for in their entire lives.

    It doesn't matter who Lu Wanwan is, but to make a bond with her means getting rich overnight and changing his destiny.

    Since three months ago, they have been waiting for the day when the results were announced.

    But now the results are announced, and the entire Farah Star is actually matched by Gu Xunting!

    Although the matching degree is not high, it is enough for them to go crazy with jealousy.

    "Fuck!" A 30-year-old lizard orc who was about to faint looking at the end of the alley while holding a mecha frenzied resistance Gu Xunting, his eyes blushed with jealousy.

    Even if he didn't match it himself, what's even more annoying was that Gu Xunting matched it, but he didn't want to!

    But he only dared to curse in the distance, and he couldn't provoke the two sides fighting at the end of the alley.

    Needless to say, the orc guards would be tantamount to fighting the empire, and Gu Xunting... the

    lizard orc shivered—

    the former marshal,

    that was a terrible lunatic!

    He obviously has nothing, and his mental power has been rioting for a long time, but he still used the few poor mecha fragments on the planet to put together a mecha;

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