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Marry a sickly former marshal

Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 91

    From the outside, the orange crystal island looks like a pure translucent planet. Because of the special mineral, the whole looks like an orange crystal from the outside, so it has the name of the orange crystal island.

    When approaching the Orange Crystal Island, the detector inside the spacecraft emitted a red light.


    Gu Xunting said: "It's a warning."

    He controlled the spacecraft and launched a signal towards Orange Crystal Island.

    When Lu Wanwan saw the Orange Crystal Island, he quickly responded, and the protective cover gradually opened a hole, meaning that it was allowed to enter.

    The little princess turned on the spaceship's defense system, following the guidance, the spaceship quickly entered the airspace of Orange Crystal Island.

    The translucent protective cover gradually closed, and Lu Wanwan followed the spacecraft to see the full picture of Orange Crystal Island-

    this is a more technologically advanced planet, and there are far more machines than people.

    Looking down from the spaceship, you can see a metal-colored building suspended in the air like an island, and one or two of them can be faintly seen flashing blue light.

    "It's blocked, it's a lot more deserted than what the StarNet said." Lu Wanwan couldn't help but said as he looked at the 70% or 80% of the dim buildings outside.

    She once came here once through the virtual character of Xingwang.

    At that time, although there were not as many people here, there were more people than now.

    "It will be lively in the future." Gu Xunting raised his eyebrows and turned slightly to get closer to her.

    Lu Wanwan curled his lips and nodded.

    She believed that all this would end soon.

    "Late late, here." While looking at the map on the spaceship display, he made a long-lost "meow", "There are many people below."

    Lu Wanwan looked forward and wrinkled after hearing the words. Raised eyebrows-

    waiting for many people at the place where the spacecraft anchored below.

    They were clearly divided into three teams. The team standing in the middle had the largest number of people. The leader was a young orc, followed by several latest models of robots.

    On both sides of him are two teams of nobles, on one side are Bai Wenya and others who are familiar with the landing late night, and on the other are nobles they don't know much about.

    Lu Wanwan secretly guessed that these people were waiting here, probably because they wanted to inquire about news from the outside world.

    According to the previous distress letter, this star field was blocked, about two days ago, but when they came from the outside world, there was no rumors leaked. Either the outside world has not responded yet, or someone has blocked it. news.

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