Part 13

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Marinette suddenly stops as they leave the bathroom and her face turns sour. "Do you want to go outside for some air?" Adrien asks her, his face worried. Marinette nods and he escorts her up a few sets of stairs to the roof, the same spot where Ladybug and Cat Noir had shared their moment a little over 2 weeks ago.

Coincidentally, they end up in almost exactly the same spot as Ladybug and Cat Noir were photographed in. Marinette lays down on the wooden flooring and sighs loudly. "I should NOT have drunk so much" she proclaims

Adrien sits down beside her. "Do you feel sick?"

Marinette shakes her head. "Just a bit hazy," she says sitting up. "You can go back down to the party, I'll be fine up here."

"Things were getting a little... what's the word?..." he snaps his fingers, trying to remember. "The one where it's all crowded... begins with a C..."

"Claustrophobic?" Marinette suggests

"Yes, claustrophobic. It was getting a little claustrophobic downstairs." Adrien says, "Kinda weird to think that now we've graduated, we won't really see any of these people anymore."

"Don't say that!" Marinette exclaims. "Most people aren't leaving Paris, and the ones that are aren't going too far away."

"Yeah, but are we really going to want to hang out with High school friends when we're at University?" he asks

"I... I suppose not." Marinette says, disheartened. "You may not be wanting to stay in contact with all of us, but we will try and rope you into nights out and all."

"I don't want to lose contact with you all. I'm just saying it is likely to happen," he says. The pair sit in silence for a few moments. Marinette can't help but draw parallels to the night she was here with Cat Noir, a thought that makes her feel extremely guilty.

"Adrien..." Marinette opens her mouth without really thinking about what she was about to say. "About the time when I asked you out... I'm... I'm really sorry about that. I shouldn't have put you in that positio...."

Marinette is harshly interrupted by Adrien pressing his lips against hers in a kiss she doesn't expect. The kiss feels familiar, yet wrong because she can't get Cat Noir off her mind. Adrien on the other hand feels right about this kiss. He still has feelings for Ladybug but he also has discovered feelings for Marinette and was hoping this kiss would reveal his true feelings. Turns out they were too similar to tell.

He pulls away and stares, shell-shocked into her sparkling ocean blue eyes. "Oh fuck... I shouldn't have done that... should I? We... before that, we were good, right?" 

Marinette can't look away from him either. Something about his eyes, they seem more familiar than before. To her drunken self, they actually look quite similar to Cat Noirs.

Marinette opens her mouth to say something but before she can, the feeling of vomit fills the back of her throat and she quickly lunges to the side and retches, as a small puddle of vomit appears on the ground under her. Adrien rushes concernedly to her side and holds back her hair whilst she continues to vomit.

"I'm sorry" Marinette pants between intervals of retching and sick. Adrien just continues to comfort her and reassure her that things are ok. After about 5 minutes, Marinette has stopped being sick and she lies on her back again.

She immediately starts crying. "Oh my God, I'm such a mess! What must your think of me, I'm so sorry Adrien!" She sobs

"Marinette, no need to apologise ok, it happens to the best of us." he smiles, "Right, I'm going to get you back down to your friends and maybe try and get you home."

"See!" She exclaims "You DO think I'm a mess!" continuing to cry. Adrien helps her onto her feet and half carries her back down to the party where everyone is preparing to leave. The hotel guests had complained about the noise of the party too much and the Mayor was furious. A small number of people were going to continue the party down by Le Pont Neuf, the bridge that crosses the Seine. Many, however, were just going home in preparation for the hangover they were expecting to face the following day.

Adrien handed Marinette back into the care of Alya, Rose, Juleka, and Alix, who were only in slightly better condition than Marinette. The five girls stumbled home together, laughing about the night behind them and agreeing in one way or another, that it was amazing. However, Marinette never told the girls about what had happened with Adrien.

Because Marinette's house was closest, she was dropped off first, apologetically handed back into the care of her slightly worried parents. They weren't mad at Marinette, this was the first time she had done anything like this, and if anything, they were happy she had a good night.

The next morning at around 11 am, Marinette woke up; she was face down on top of her bed, still wearing the same outfit that she was last night and still with her makeup on. Her mouth tasted like vomit and is severely dry, her head is pounding and she is sweating profusely.

She rolls over onto her back and is greeted by Tikki flying right in front of her face. "Good morning sunshine!" Tikki exclaims, the squeaky voice of her Kwami, hurting Marinette's ears. She squints and bats Tikki away. Marinette then gently sits up and downs a large glass of water that was placed beside her bed by Sabine last night when she came in. 

"So, did you have a fun night?" Tikki asks

"Until I kissed Adrien then immediately vomited, it was great" Marinette replies. A second later, her eyes widen as she realises what she just said.

"Oh my god! I kissed Adrien last night!" she accidentally shouts before covering her mouth, eyes still wide with shock. "All the times I wanted to do that and I do it while drunk AND technically engaged to someone else."

Tikki laughs, watching her owner's descent into panic, knowing it would only a few days until she finds out the hilariously convenient truth. "Oh Marinette, stop worrying, everything will work out fine. Plus, you were both drinking, it was purely an accident."

Marinette doesn't appear to listen, too preoccupied with her own crisis. "Adrien has probably already told Nino, who will tell Alya, who will tell the rest of the girls, then they will all ask why nothing ever came from it, then they are gonna find out that I'm Ladybug!"

"That's a bit far-fetched Marinet..."

"What about Cat Noir? What about Cat Noir!?" Marinette interrupts. "Do I tell him? If I do he'll be crushed. If I don't then it will weigh down on me and I'll feel all guilty and end up telling him far later than I should have!"

"Marinette!" Tikki yells. Marinette stops her rambling and actually listens to Tikki. "Just calm down! If it's going to worry you that much then don't tell Cat Noir. It was one drunken kiss, no one is going to cut your head off for it."

She takes a deep breath. "You're right. I just need to calm down."

"Exactly" Tikki exclaims. "Now, how many episodes of Pol Rue's Drag Chase have we missed since you've been doing your exams? I hear they are a great hangover cure when mixed with pancakes."

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