Part 2

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Having successfully left her owner's side, Tikki flies to the roof of the school building where she awaits Plagg: the Kwami of Cat Noir, or as he is also known, Adrien Agreste. The two Kwami's meet and together, they travel to Master Fu's house.

"I wonder what was so important that we had to leave our owner's for?" Tikki asks Plagg

"Who cares" Plagg responds. "I cannot sit through another one of those science classes. They are so boring!". The two Kwami's reach Master Fu's house and fly inside to greet Master Fu.

"Plagg, Tikki, I'm so glad you both got my message," he says, closing all doors and windows to make sure there is no way anyone could hear what he is about to say.

"I think you know why I have called you both here," Master Fu says before explaining to them why. Tikki's eyes widen exchange a glance with Plagg.

Master Fu sighs. "I was hoping that Hawk Moth would be gone by now and we wouldn't have resort to this, but it's our only hope of keeping Paris safe from future akumatisations"

Both Kwami's fly back to the school, just as class is ending and Marinette feels Tikki flying back into her purse. On the way home from school, Marinette makes sure she is completely alone before opening her purse and speaking to Tikki.

"Where did you go today? I saw you fly back into my purse" Marinette enquires.

"I was summoned to a meeting with Master Fu. He wants to meet with you and Cat Noir tonight to discuss something." Tikki explains

"Oh... do you know what it is he wants us for?" Marinette asks. Tikki goes quiet and denies that she knows anything, so Marinette forgets about it.

Across town, Adrien Agreste has just closed his bedroom door in sadness after being denied from seeing his father because he is 'too busy, just like always. Plagg flies out of his inner shirt pocket and tells his owner the same news that Tikki has just told Marinette.

"I wonder what he has to tell us," Adrien says to Plagg.

"beats me" Plagg replies, stuffing his face with Camembert cheese. "seems important though"

At 10 pm that night, both teens transform into their superhero Aliases and head over to Master Fu's house to find out what this meeting is all about. Ladybug reaches the door and is about to open it when Cat Noir lands flawlessly on his feet beside her.

"Good evening m'lady" Cat Noir bows to his not-so-secret crush and crime-fighting partner

"Good evening yourself Cat Noir" Ladybug replies, opening the door and the two of them walk inside. "Do you have any idea what this meeting is about?" she asks

"Not a clue bugaboo" he replies, laughing slightly at his rhyme. Ladybug rolls her eyes slightly. The pair have been very close friends ever since they began fighting crime together, yet she has still never gotten used to Cat Noir's attempts at flirting over the whole time.

"Ah Ladybug, Cat Noir, I'm glad you made it this evening. We have much to discuss." Master Fu welcomes the two into his home as they all take a seat on the floor.

"What's going on?" Ladybug enquires

"I have some deeply troubling news." Master Fu begins. "You both are slowly losing your powers"

"What!" Cat Noir exclaims as both heroes exchange shocked glances. "How? Why? What happened?"

"When in full-time usage, each Miraculous has a certain life span that varies depending on its powers. The 12 Zodiac Kwami's can last 12 years away from the Miracle Box before needing to return and regain their power. The Bee, Turtle, Fox, Butterfly and Peacock, being the second most powerful group can last 8 years away from the Miracle Box. But the Cat and Ladybug as the two most powerful Miraculous' can only last 4 years away from the Miracle box. Those 4 years are almost up and you both are getting slightly weaker by the day."

"So... we aren't going to be Ladybug and Cat Noir anymore?" Marinette asks, saddened by the thought this crazy part of her life will be over.

"However, there is one way to stop this and it would mean that your Miraculous would never need to return to the Miracle Box to recharge for the rest of your natural lives," Master Fu tells them.

Ladybug looks to Cat Noir and they share a silent agreement to go through with whatever it is for the sake of the people of Paris. "What is it, Master Fu?" Ladybug asks.

"Well, when any two Miraculous joins together, their power becomes much stronger and along with that their lifeline extends indefinitely" Master Fu explains. "the only way to merge miraculi is through matrimony"

"Matrimony?..." Ladybug questions before it dawns on her what he means. "You mean like marriage?" she exclaims. Cat Noir stays silent

"It is the only way" Master Fu explains. "Hawk Moth is still out there causing fear through the streets of Paris and without a Ladybug and Cat Noir, he would succeed"

Ladybug chokes back her surprise. Doing this would mean she couldn't go out with Adrien and would also mean that she would have to reveal her secret identity to whoever Cat Noir really was.

"I will give you two 24 hours to decide if you are willing to go through with this or not," Master Fu says. "If you aren't, I need to find a new Ladybug and Cat Noir"

Cat Noir still hasn't said anything. Part of him is a bit happy at the prospect of being able to marry his crush, but he knows she won't want to do it.

They both leave Master Fu's house and walk down the quiet, darkened streets, neither knowing what to say.

"I think we should just do it Ladybug" Cat Noir suddenly says, breaking the long silence.

"Are you crazy?!" Ladybug replies. "we can't get married, it's insane!"

"The people of Paris need us. If we don't do this then Hawkmoth wins and that's what we have been fighting against since the beginning!" Cat Noir argues

"I mean, we hardly know each other really" Ladybug states. "We both lead completely different lives outside of being Ladybug and Cat Noir, it would disrupt that"

"Please just consider it Ladybug. Besides, I could be an amazing husband" He winks to her, bringing back his usual Cat Noir charm before jumping onto a far off rooftop and disappearing into the distance.

When she arrives home and transforms back into Marinette, she throws herself face-first onto her bed. Tikki flies to Marinette's side to comfort her.

"What should I do Tikki? I can't marry Cat Noir, but I can't leave Paris defenseless against Hawkmoth" She asks

"I don't know what to tell you Marinette," Tikki says "just follow your heart and it will tell you the right thing to do"

Marinette lies back on her bed and stares at the ceiling, thinking intensely about Tikki's advice and what to do when suddenly it clicks.

If she has to marry Cat Noir to save Paris then she would do it, but there was one person she had loved for years and had to know how he felt before anything else.

Tomorrow, she would ask Adrien out.

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