Part 26

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Ladybug, Cat Noir, Rena Rouge, Queen Bee and Carapace stand before a crowd of Parisians with millions of questions. They tell the people that Hawkmoth has finally been defeated and unmasked as Gabriel Agreste, and his wife Emelie, long suspected dead, was actually alive and the villian known as Pavone. They also inform the people of Nathalie's unfortunate passing

"We would like to extend our deepest sympathies to their son Adrien Agreste" she guestures to Adrien who stands in the front of the crowd, tears filling his eyes. This was the real Adrien, he Cat Noir onstage was in fact, Marc reprising his role for the final time.

"We would also like to take this moment to announce the disbandment of our group of heroes" Ladybug announces. "There is no need for us anymore, but if danger ever arises in Paris again, we will return. The crowd cheers and claps for their heroes for the final time.

The television in Adrien's apartment switches off after just watching coverage of their announcement. Marinette, Alya, Adrien, Nino and Chloe sit in the living room, having just watched it.

"So you guys were really Ladybug and Cat Noir all along." Alya says. Marinette and Adrien finished explaining everything to their three friends before the news coverage came on.

Marinette smiles sheepishly. "I'm sorry we had to lie to you guys, but you understand, right?"

"Of course" Alya replies "You're my best friend and I will always love you" the pair hug and all feels right again.

"I'm more annoyed at myself for not seeing it sooner" Chloe says "I mean when you look at them, it's obvious, right!?"

Adrien and Marinette told them everything: the truth behind their adventures, their biggest lies and the secret merger ceremony. There was no secrets between the five of them now. Everyone prepares to leave but Marinette stops them at the door, holding the miracle box. For the first time in years, it has the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculouses resting safely in their place.

One by one, they place their Miraculouses in the box and when all five are in place, Marinette closes the box. "No one must know anything about the miraculous, or our identities. If needed, we will come for you guys again but hopefully this is the end of all danger to Paris."

Once everyone leaves, Adrien and Marinette take the miracle box over to master Fu's house. He takes the box off them. "Marinette, Adrien, thank you so much for your service to the city. I have a gift for you both." He reopens the miracle box and takes out the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculouses, handing them to the pair in small boxes.

"But I thought you said we were to give all miraculouses back?" Adrien asks

"No, I said the miracle box was to be full, but as you can see, it is." he opens the top lid of the box and shows them that Marinette's mirror, the one containing Sydd and Nee is taking the place formerly held by the Ladybug and Cat miraculouses.

"You two deserve these, you ARE Ladybug and Cat Noir, and i can't take that away from you." Master Fu says. I can trust you both not to use them unless there is danger again, in which case, I know you will use them well."

Marinette puts the earrings back on and Adrien places the ring on his finger. They look to each other, then to Fu before the trio embrace in a group hug.

10 years later

A lot can happen in 10 years, and a lot did.

Alya became a journalist for Channel 1. She travelled the world for a few years, reporting everywhere across the globe before returning home to Paris and hosting her own news show.

Nino is the most sought after DJ on the Paris club scene. His music is world-renowned and celebrated. He and Alya married after they both finished university and live a peaceful, happy life together.

Chloe doesn't live in Paris anymore. She and her girlfriend, Influencer Gigi Boa reside in Los Angeles where they both have succesful social media accounts, ammassing almost twenty million followers between them. She returns to Paris every so often, mostly to run her father's re-election campaigns.

Gabriel and Emelie have been in jail since they were caught. And they will spend the rest of their respective lives in their. So far, they have had only one visitor.

Master Fu still lives in his little house under the guise of being a vet for special and rare pets. He also refuses to tell anyone how old he really is and lives in the company of all his kwami's.

 Adrien went to Paris Central and eventually got his masters degree, he now teaches in Francois DuPont Lycée, in the exact classroom where he and Marinette met for the first time.

Marinette graduated PSD top of her class. She has now taken over Gabriel Agreste's fashion empire and is dominating the fashion world.

Marinette and Adrien also managed to get married, for real this time, two years ago and they have been blissfully in love ever since.

Paris returned to normal. Younger people never knew Ladybug and Cat Noir and ony heard of them through people old enough to remember. Still no one knew their real identities and many doubt if they existed at all, or just as a collective figment of the public's imagination.

All was well.

(You really thought we were finished? ;) )

Marinette and Adrien walk into the Louvre on a sunny July day. The museum has opened a special exhibit, one dedicated to Ladybug, Cat Noir and all the miraculous heroes, in recognition of ten years since Hawkmoth was defetated.

Slowly, they work their way around the crowded exhibits, looking longingly at photos from a time they haven't seen in a while.

"Look how young we are" Adrien whispers in Marinette's ear as they stare at a photo of them from one of their first battles.

"It's hard to believe sometimes that we done this... all of this" she whispers back

After spending their day in the exhibit, the pair leave and begin to walk home, hand in hand, enjoying the breeze of this Parisian night. Suddenly, there is a sound behind them, both turn to see a figure projected on the side of the Louvre.

The figure is a woman, dressed in deep shades of purple and black, at the bottom of her neck, a familliar winged tie. She wears a mask the same colours that conceals her identity but her hair is seen: it is auburn red. Her green eyes stand out of place on her face.

"Hello Paris" she booms in a familliar, almost whiney voice. "You'll be happy to know that Hawkmoth has returned" she laughs an evil laugh.

Adrien looks to Marinette. Marinette looks back to Adrien. They know what must be done.

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