Part 19

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Marinette can hardly believe her eyes. Standing in front of her is Adrien Agreste. The Adrien Agreste. Also known as the true identity behind Cat Noir. For four years, she had been so obsessed with Adrien, she knew everything about him: his schedule, his address, his favourite colour and owned every magazine that he was in. How could she not have known that the entire time, he was Cat Noir. Now she understood why she kissed him on the rooftop of Le Grand Paris Hotel.

Adrien was thinking similar thoughts. He always thought Ladybug was so different to Marinette. Then it hit him. The night he kissed Marinette, at the graduation party, she was so confident, so different to how she usually was around him. She was acting like Ladybug. He thought back to the bug catcher notebook and how quickly he dismissed Marinette because he saw her as multimouse, something didn't add up.

"I... I can't believe this!" Adrien is the first to speak, after far too long a pause. "How... how are you ladybug?! You... I saw you as multimouse, you handed the Miraculous back to ladybug!"

"It was... I used the fox miraculous aswell. That entire sequence was... was a mirage." she gasps out. "Can I... Can I have some water I need... I need to sit down"

5 minutes later, the both sit adjacent on the couch, Marinette slowly sipping a glass of water and staring over the brim of the cup at Adrien.

"I just can't believe it." Adrien keeps repeating in variations

"See, you built the identity of Ladybug up inside your head and got dissapointed. This is what I was afraid of." Marinette sighs

"Dissapointed... are you kidding me... If anything I feel guilty." Adrien says

"Why... why would you feel guilty?"

"You... Marinette... asked me out and I rejected you so horribly." He sighs. "I've felt so horrible about rejecting you for Ladybug. But to find out you ARE Ladybug, It really just ties everything up in a neat little bow."

"Wait I'm curious... last night, when we both shared that we kissed someone else... did you mean when we kissed at the graduation party?"

"Yes! Oh my God!" he exclaims "How weird is that!"

The pair sit and talk for hours. They tell each other about their families, friends, every little piece of information imaginable about themselves in human form. They catch each other up on every little thing they never could before, the amount of close calls and coincidences is truly amazing. Before they know it, the clock on the wall reads 4am and the pair are completely out of things to talk about.

"Jesus, is that the time?" Marinette yawns. "Do you think the kwami's are done?"

Adrien gets up and checks the bedroom, The box is still closed and there is no sign of the kawmi's. "No idea what they are doing but they aren't done. We can just sleep on the couch tonight."

"Oh... ok" Marinette blushes. Adrien pushes a few buttons on the couch and it reclines, not all the way back, but enough to be able to sleep on. They lie next to each other and crash out within a matter of seconds.

The next morning, Marinette wakes up leaning against something warm. Before her brain can remember he events of last night, she opens her eyes and realises where she is. In Cat Noir's apartment, sleeping on his couch.

"Morning" a familliar voice excaims. The voice of Adrien, who she now knows to be Cat Noir.

"Morning yourself" she replies, "What time is it anyway?"

Adrien moves to see the clock. "Almost eleven." he says

"The kwami's must be done by now, right?" Marinette asks

"We're rght here!" Tikki exclaims. Marinette sits up properly to see Tikki and Plagg sitting on top of the breakfast bar. The table is set with glasses of orange juice and coffee and plates of fresh pastries.

"We didn't want to wake you, so we made you breakfast." Tikki says as Marinette and Adrien approach. 

"Oh wow, thats so sweet" Marinette blushes. They all sit down and eat breakfast together.

"So what exactly were you two up to last night?" Adrien asks 

"As much as we would love to tell you both, the mere act of explaining it would be far too much for your human mind to comprehend" Tikki tells them. "It could actually kill you on the spot, and we don't want that."

"Wow... got a little dark there Tikki" Marinette says

"It's designed that way to be secret from human ears" Tikki replies

"Enough about that" Plagg interrupts. "I've been starving  myself for some Camenbert for a full day now. Adrien, you promised you would buy me some two days ago! Where is it?!"

"I'm sorry Plagg, that little market across the street that sells the type you like hasn't had any in stock the las few days." Adrien says, he then turns to Marinette. "I literally spend about half of my money on Camenbert for Plagg, it's insane"

Marinette suddenly laughs. "So That's why there is always a slight smell of cheese on you."

"I'm sorry, is it reallly that bad?" he asks

"Somehow... it just works" she continues laughing. "But seriously, if you are looking for some excellent Camenbert, we always buy our cheese from Camiliers and it never dissapoints."

"Are you happy Plagg? I'll run out and get you some from Camilliers later." Adrien says

"I'd be happier if you had remembered to get some from the place across the street, but Camenbert is Camenbert."

After a breakfast, Marinette leaves Adrien's appartment, the pair armed with a plan to take down Hawkmoth. A plan that wasn't going to be easy to pull off, but they were going to try their hardest. The first part of the plan was the easiest to pull off. It would not directly affect the outcome if it went wrong, but it still mattered a lot.

"You what?!" Alya exclaims, she is in genuine shock. Marinette gathered her best friend later that day and told her the news. Not the news of her superhero identity, no, something far bigger a deal.

"Yeah, it all happened so quickly." Marinette blushes. "I thought when we kissed at the graduation party it would have made things worse. But during the akumatisation during my party, I ran into the store room of the bakery downstairs. Completely by chance, Adrien was already hiding in there. We got to talking a little, and... and we kinda made out.

"Gurl! That is so amazing!" she squeals "After all these years, you two FINALLY got together. Who knew all it would take is my amazing party for you and an akumatisation." Alya laughs

"Despite the broken-hearted army spreading their hatred everywhere, it was a pretty amazing party. Thank you again Alya." Marinette says

"You're welcome gurl". The two embrace. "I love you so much Marinette, and I'm so happy for you."

"I love you too Alya" Marinette replies

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