Part 24

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"What... What happened?" Emelie asks

Gabriel squeezes her tightly. "My darling, you're back!" his eyes are filled with tears, much like Adrien's who stood beside them and watched, waiting for his own turn to embarce his mother once again.

"Mom, do you remember what happened?" Adrien asks

Emelie turns to him and the look on her face was unlike any other. The last time she had seen her son, he was twelve years old and still a little boy, now he was a full grown adult man and she had missed him growing up to this point. "Ady!" she squeals squeezing him like Gabriel squeezed her.

"My lovely boy, how handsome you grew up to be!" she exclaimed

"Mom, I'm so glad you're back!" he says, barely able to keep his emotions in

"I'm back, and I'm never leaving again!" she tells him "I love you so much, I'm sorry I couldn't be here for you but I am now"

Across the room, Marinette watches this heartwarming family reunion, knowing that as weird as it sounds, giving her miraculous to Hawkmoth was the best decision she ever made. Emelie takes notice of Marinette. "Who is this young lady? she asks Adrien

Adrien rushes over to Marinette and brings her to Emelie. "Mom this is Marinette, my... my girlfriend" he sheepishly tells her. "She helped save you"

"Wow, it is amazing to meet you Mrs Agreste" Marinette says "I'm so glad you are alive and well now"

"I may be alive, but I'm probably looking pretty rough after five years, do you happen to have a mirror my darling?" she asks Marinette, laughing a little

Marinette rummages through her pruse and pulls out the comapct hand mirror on its last legs. "I have, but it's basically broken." she replies, a little embarassed. "You look amazing though, your beauty has not faded one iota in five years."

"Well aren't you sweet!" Emelie exclaims. She takes Marinette by both hands. "Thank you Marinette. Not only for saving me, but I can see how happy you make my son. Thank you for being there when I couldn't"

"Now we are reunited as a family and we have the Ladybug and Cat Noir Miraculouses" Gabriel tells her. "We can finally complete the goals we set all those years ago, we can fnally take control of Paris and with any luck, the world!"

"You mean it? We weild the ultimate power of the miraculous!" Emelie asks

Gabriel produces the Ladybug, Cat, Butterfly and Peackcock miraculouses from his pocket and hands her the Peacock and Ladybug ones. She greedily grabs them and puts them on, he does the same with the moth and Cat.

"Wait, dad, we agreed that after this, no one would use those miraculouses anymore." Adrien says.

Gabriel's look goes dark. "I'm sorry son, but we have a goal to complete, I told you what you wanted to hear." Adrien and Marinette exchange looks, looks that cement their realisation of the huge mistake they just made.

"And you're sure the peacock miraculous is fixed?" Emelie asks "I can't go into another five year coma"

"Yes my dear, you should be perfectly fine" he replies. "Nooro, dark wings rise!"

Emelie joins him. "Duusu, spread my feathers!"

"Lovely to have you back Pavone" Hawkmoth grins

After their transformations into Hawkmoth and Pavone, the pair stare down Adrien and Marinette. 

"You both have a choice" Hawkmoth says "You can either join us, or fight us. What do you choose?"

"We will never fight on the same side as you Hawkmoth!" Marinette yells

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