💻Chapter One💻

385 19 119

Word Count: 2184

(̵̭͊Y̶̱͝/̷̖̒Ń̶̜)̶̣̂ Ghosty's P.O.V.

"Here we are." Tubbo spoke softly. It was 3 months after Tommy, Purpled, Ranboo and Drista went missing along with someone named Phil, and I got to know everyone around here, made friends with Ghostbur, since we were both ghosts, and even met the egg. I dislike the egg heavily.

"Okay!" I smiled, "Let's go!"

Tubbo reached out for my wrist, which only left a slight tingle since he couldn't actually grab it, but I turned anyways. "... Ghosty, I can't go."

"Why?" I raised a brow. "You brought me here."

Tubbo furrowed his brows, wrapping his arm over his torso and turning the side of him with the scar that covered half his face away. "Me and Techno don't have a good history. Say hi to him for me, okay?" He smiled sadly. "And can you also say... sorry?"

I pursued my lips, confused. "Okay."

"Okay, I'll leave you be now, just the houses ahead." Tubbo gave an encouraging smile, and I held the flower crown in my hands tighter.

"Thank you."

"Of course." And with that, Tubbo was gone.

I was left alone. Taking a step towards the direction of the houses, I climbed up the steps towards it and hovered my fist over the door for a moment before sucking in a breath sharply and knocking.

"Who the fuck- Coming!" I heard footsteps, and my (lack of) heart jumped to my throat. I heard the man was scary as hell, but whatever.

I'm dead anyways.

"Who-" He opened the door, and stared at me, furrowing his brows as the mask on his face covered his expression other than the fact that his jaw dropped slightly, leaving his mouth ajar. "(Y/N)?!"

"Why does everyon-" I sighed, disappointed, holding the crown tighter.

Tubbo_ left the game

I ignored the message for now, and so did Techno. "I'm not (Y/N)." I continued.


"-It's Ghosty to you, mister."

"O-okay?" he paused, taking his mask off to reveal a tired face with pure black eyes with a sort of cat-ish kind of eyerus that were white. He had multiple scars littered across his face and stubble. His eyes were wide, unsure what to think or do, tears forming by the moment.

"Mr. Blade- don't-" I took a step forward, he stepped back.

"You're a ghost?!"

"I mean- she died, didn't she-" I paused, standing in the doorway. "She died."

"Why are you here."

I paused, confused. "Was she... your friend?"

He paused as well, dropping the bone mask on the surface of a cabinet and running a hand through his long, unruly pink hair that was tied up in a ponytail. "Well, she was more than a friend, not in a weird way." He smiled up towards me, "She was more of a little sister."

I frowned, "I'm sorry."

"Nothing that you could do, Ghosty." He laughed softly, "I'm sorry, come in, where are my manners?"

I stepped in. "No, I could have- not came over, y'know, I didn't know that you two were close."

"No one really knew except Phil and Tommy. Both disappeared, one left before that." He closed the door behind me. "Y'know, life."

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