💻Chapter Twelve💻

132 9 6

Word Count: 1413

Mellohi started playing.

"You son of a bitch." I muttered.

And thus, swords and axes were raised, and the battle started.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Tommy and Tubbo had the disc, and I was off on the side with barely two hearts left. I took a bite out of a gapple, blood dripping down my arm and probably a sprained ankle.

Well Dream went too far.

"Tommy stop!" Dream warned as they ran off to another side, both wanting to get the attention off of me, and also to get away from Dream himself. "Stop! Both- all three of you, listen, stop."

"Why." Tubbo raised his shield in defence as Tommy tried to find an enderchest. Tubbo was wounded, too. Dream had pushed him off a tree, and that probably hurt a lot. Cuts littered his arms and legs, where the armour pieces couldn't quite connect.

"Just stop! Stand still!" Dream screamed louder. "I haven't even used any potions yet! I have strength, I have turtle master, I have regen, I have multiple god apples!" Dream continued listing things that I didn't bother listening to. "You're gonna fucking die. You're gonna lose."

I stumbled towards them with the bad ankle sending pain up my leg every time I put any pressure on it.

"So listen, Tommy. Just, give me the disc, and I won't kill (Y/N)." He pointed his sword at me. This was the plan.

"What do you mean?" Tubbo asked softly.

"You can't kill (Y/N)." Tommy scoffed, "We're all in full netherite-"

Overlapping yelling started, and Dream grabbed a hold of my good arm, the one that wasn't practically covered in blood. It was a pretty deep cut. "Thanks for leaving me on one and a half hearts."

"Shut it," Dream muttered softly before returning to yell at Tommy. "She's going to die." He raised an axe to my neck.

Well this escalated quickly.

"STOP STOP STOP STOP!" Tommy yelled, "How much hp are you on?"

"... one and a half." I was still weary about the axe.

"Listen," Dream glared, "Tommy, I can kill her if I wanted to, I'm not even using potions! Right now, I want you to choose."

"Listen, I have the disc, you don't, so I think that you should choose."

"Tommy," Dream laughed, "I still have one of the discs." he paused, nodding towards me, "And I have (Y/N). Make your choice. Between your discs, and (Y/N)."

The air stood deadly silent, heavy with both the tired breathing of the four of us, and the intensity of an axe to my throat.

"And you know I'm not gonna kill you, but... (Y/N)..." Dream smirked and shrugged.

"How- do you kill (Y/N)? She's in full netherite." Tommy stood in front of Tubbo, a good ten meters away from us.

Dream lists off his advantages again. "Tommy, you can't defend her! You were defending her before! I haven't even tried, yet!"

"How do we know that you're not just saying that?"

"Because I'm not." He inched the axe closer to me. "I came prepared! I always come prepared."

Tommy and Tubbo stood quiet as I drew a shaky breath. The axe was way too close for comfort.

They continued to argue, and I took a grasp of Your Tubbo, the compass, which seemed to actually always point to the brunette. I sighed slightly, taking a small step back so I could breathe easier. Dream let me.

We get back the discs... Or we die trying || Dream SMP x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now