💻Chapter Eleven💻

143 8 13

Word Count: 2167

I love them, I really do.

But I'm tired.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I fumbled with the coords that Drista gave me, hesitantly, but she still gave it to me. It was deep in the woods, where it was peaceful.

I spotted the cottage, and I knocked on the door.

No one answered.

I opened it, a soft creak coming from it as it opened. No one was home.

Taking a few steps in, I left a note on a piece of paper on the dining table, before placing down a prepacked chest.

Hey, Tommy and Tubbo might need a hand tomorrow. I want them alive. Bring anyone you can, those two are probably fucked [coords].

- (Y/N)

I won't let them die, but I won't let them get out of it completely unscratched.

A lesson can't be learned if you're dead.

Purpled's P.O.V.

"Why the hell was (Y/N) here?" I picked up the note.

Drista looked to me, joining me to look at the note. "Shit."

"Oh Dream's gonna... fuck em up."

"Yeah, that's what the note said, idiot."

"Well, that's weird... I don't know why (Y/N) would uh... Speaking of Tommy, actually, I uh- I forgot-" I paused, "Um, I totally forgot that he and Tubbo are- are going to... battle today."

"How do you know that?" Drista asked, pulling a chair from the table and sitting down.

"I may or may not have been Dream's... kind of- vent buddy? Well, ever since the Techno execution."

"... What the fu-"

"Drista, he messaged me every day, please I don't even know why- he's so fucking clingy."

Drista held in a laugh, "Tell me about it."

"I forgot that he was your brother for a moment." Drista just shrugged and I ran a hand down my face, "They- They don't stand a single chance...! There's no way! He's shown me part of the plans- there's no way. Tommy's gonna die. Tommy, (Y/N) and Tubbo, they- they don't stand a chance. They don't know what they're going up against."

"Is it that bad?"

"It depends, he said he found someone to... manipulate them, in a way." I sighed heavily, "I don't know who they are."

"Yeah, Dream uh... Dream's a sly guy, if he gets someone who can be used to manipulate him, I think Tommy might lose his last life. I don't know... It- it- it- They're going up against a- an unwinnable battle here. We'll see though." Drista sighed too.

"Oh my god...! This- This is the biggest payment I've ever seen...! 35 diamond and gold blocks? TNT?! Netherite? We can literally use this on my sword! Wait- That's more than Dream has ever given me...! That's more than Dream has ever given me...! I-"

"Where did he get this money from?! Where did he get this money from? I thought they were hella poor...! I thought they were poor- How did he get this money?! Oh... my god...!"

"Well, honestly, I don't really care where he got the money from. Money is money, at the end of the day... Money's- Money is money, at the end of the day, so... I mean, we'll take it." I laughed softly. "Oh gods." I turned to Drista.


"If I betray Dream, who knows what would happen. He's also paid me to keep my mouth shut."

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