The End for real

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Katherine's POV FOR ONCE
Finally I got my mom back and I was hoping that Janeth would just leave. Yea... No of course she wasn't, she wanted a fight and I think that killing her was the only thing I could do because wherever we put her she could probably escape. I used my powers she would come at sunrise which was way to early. I am barley getting enough sleep I don't know how I am even surviving. I'm also going to have to go to summer school I've missed like a month of school but ehh. Andrea was having a sleepover we decided to defeat her by taking her by surprise. Janeth would not know that we knew she was coming and that could definetly distract her.

1hr before sunrise

"Hey! Hey! HEY!!!" I wake up to Andrea yelling I was still tired but I guess I have to wake up if I wanted to kill Janeth. Wow, never though I would have that thought. I get up get dressed and just wait I hear nothing so I just decide to lay down. "WTF!" Andrea screams. I walk over to where she is standing and there in front of us is Janeth's "minion" tied up in our closet. "I did not do dat." I tell her, is there someone else also against Janeth? I though Janeth would be her later so I decide to play Minecraft with Andrea, because why not. No where not nerds.


"I wish I didn't have to do this." I was startled to find Janeth behind me. Wait was she there the whole time? "No course not we can just ignore what happened and you can come and play with us." Andrea responds back she was being sarcastic because obviously we could not forgive Janeth. Andrea turns into a wolf and she stares straight into Janeth's eyes and runs, jumps, and scratches Janeth across the face. Dang did not see that coming I felt hopeless I could not fight her just stand and hope Andrea won. Janeth was trying to get her off but it was hard for her to see with Blood all over your face. I suddenly heard a rip. I shuddered and saw that Andrea had been tossed into the air and landed on her leg. I ran over to Janeth and punched her in her already cut up face. She was going to throw a fireball at me I held her hand down. "This is what you Fucking deserve!" I punched her with full force in her her neck she stopped breathing and uncontrollably coughed. She continued for like a minute until I turn back and Andrea is a lion. Andrea ran full force and scratches Janeth's eye out. Eww. Janeth could not survive this we won. Janeth bursts with light but does not die she looks fine now. What happened we were tired we could not fight her. Janeth laughs no cackles and raises her hand I cover my face and say my last words " Shit. Well dis sucks." that was best I could do but who cares. I wait but Nothing happens. Janeth tries to throw her fireball again but she is powerless. Janeth Flees. I fall to the floor.

Other stuff
No Hannah does not die Andrea tells Briar that anyone can have powers and since Briar works on the farm her power is like life and healing so she heals Hannah.

Also idk if I will make a sequel

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