Zel's Ability

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We were at my house watching movies trying not to think about past events. Zel kept having nervous looks, like she was afraid or worried about something. She was very clumsy and taking less than normal which ment she was keeping something from us. I asked her if something was wrong she said everything was okay but she didn't look me straight in the eyes. As we were in the middle of the movie she dropped her water but it didn't make a noise. As I looked it was levitating. She couldn't keep it in anymore and quickly said,"FineIhavethepowertolevitatethings!" We asked why she never told us but she told us that she thought we might tell other people. We told her we would never tell others since we're friends and all that other cheesy stuff. She showed us her power. since everyone except me was already 13 they had control of their power. Hannah was the only one who hadn't discovered her power yet...

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