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My mom reminded me that I had to make invitations to my Hawaiian themed birthday party. I was turning 13 and it also meant I was getting my full powers. I was so excited I invited my group to help decorate on Friday which was the day of the party. I wrote the invitations and Hannah and Belle decorated them.

We decided to try out our powers more by hanging the decorations. Belle used her ice powers to instantly make the drinks cold and Andrea helped hang up lights by turning into a bird. Zel levitated the cake to the table and Hannah secretly baked cookies by turning invisible when my mom came and checked on us. I was born at 12 so I got my full powers at 12 it was 10 right now and the party started at 6. We waited by talking and trying to do tricks with our powers.

We all start hearing a wicked laugh and did not know who it was coming from. It told us to beware and that it was coming back soon.

I had gotten my fool powers so I tried telling the future. I concentrated and could not get my power to work. My friend Zel told me my powers would come when I needed it the most but that it would come today.

The first guest arrived at 6:10 it was Will, I invited him so he could try hanging out with Hannah. Many more guest arrived after Will most were from our school. It was time for the cake and they sang happy birthday. As I was making a wish a voice yells out. "Why was I not invited?!" We all turn to look at Janeth standing in a long black dress. We gasped. She tells us to go on. I suddenly have a vision of Janeth holding a knife against my neck awhile we were alone in the kitchen. I finally had my powers

Later when we were cleaning up I went to the kitchen behind I heard footsteps. "Well did you have fun?" Asked Janeth slowly walking towards me with her one of her hands behind her back. She was now behind me as she quickly out the knife to my neck. She said that this was her way of getting revenge. I was confused of why she wanted revenge. She whispered in my ear. "Why did she love you more!" I did not know who she was talking about but I was to afraid to ask. "Goodbye!" She prepared to kill me. "Rarrrr" growled Andrea as she was know a tiger she jumped and took the knife from Janeth with her teeth. Hannah grabbed both of Janeth's hands by sneaking up on her. Zel levitated her a foot of the ground. "Aw you think I came alone!" Out came the man we saw at the pool and he grabbed Hannah and Zel. Belle Tried freezing Janeth but Janeth quickly put a shield around herself. Janeth threw a ball of fire at Belle and Belle laid unconscious on the floor. I had another vision of Janeth and what she was going to do next. As she moved and tried killing me I dodged every move knowing all of her next moves with my power. I punched her in the stomach and ran grabbed Belle and took of leaving behind Zel and Hannah I checked behind me as I saw Andrea following after me. Only three of us had made it out safe but we had to go back...

How I Survived JanethWhere stories live. Discover now