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I trip I cannot get very far with a bad leg. I keep dragging myself one direction. I will eventually get somewhere. Ahh it was a big lion wait it was Andrea. She wasn't trying to kill me!? She turned into a human. " It was the water I won't try to kill you if I'm in animal form I should turn back before I kill you we have to escape!" Okay we're cool just as long as she is a lion or whatever I would be safe with her.

We keep walking again we run into some one. Really again. "Hello my name is Briar ." "Hi?" I was being cautious. " what you doing here?" Me and Andrea gave each other The Look. I didn't know if I could trust her but she was the only one besides Andrea who I could trust I told her everything but keeping the small details to myself. She thought for a moment. " I know the way out but hurry they could be close." I could see a barn. I wonder why she had not asked about the lion yet. As we neared she grabbed a knife she told me to move. I moved then saw she pointed it at Andrea. "No. No. No. No! It's my friend!" she quickly turned human then decided to be a horse. "Wow I thought you were crazy your right you do have powers"

I rode her out to the road "thank you Briar goodbye!" I yelled as me and Andrea . We heard a scream of pain. It was Hannah we had no time so we left to try to find my mom. I felt queasy and guilty that we had not checked what had happened to Hannah. As we got nearer and nearer to my mom I felt more light headed. I had not eaten anything for four days know. I tried using my powers but I was to weak. I knew I had to get some strength.

We had finally arrived after what seemed like hours and hours riding. We went in and I called "mom! Mom! Mom?" "Where are you?" "Mom!" "Say something!" I kept yelling I was scared where could she be? "There is a note here!" Andrea tells me. I hesitate "are you ok no urge to kill me?" "No I'm fine now I only drank a little bit of water I'm ok." I wasn't completely shure she was telling the truth. "What does the note say?" Last time I read a note I found out i was adopted so I was not looking forward to this note. She started to read it slowly "Please save yourself! Janeth has me captive please don't come looking for me. I don't want you or your friends getting hurt. Hide with Zel since her parents know about your powers you will be ok. Even though I am not your real mom I want you to know that I still care about you. Love your mom." "God nooooooo!!!" "Not her why her she didn't do anything!" What did I do his was all my fault.

"We should get something to eat." Andrea not suggesting but commanding says. I was very hungry and I nod I got my money and we head to the nearest store to buy food. We bought lots of food and I ate quickly I was practically starving. I had regained my strength and used my powers. Janeth was going to kill my mom! No why did I have to get powers I don't want to see what will happen. No, no, no, I have to save her this isn't right. We have to find her but it would mean that I would have to go back where it all started.

How I Survived JanethWhere stories live. Discover now