Chapter 19: Runner on the Double

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As Vexer still tried to free herself from their grasp, Ladybug tore the purse in half.

"No more evil doing for y- what the?"

~~Recap Over~~

"There's no akuma." Ladybug showed the ripped purse to the others.

Vexer's demonic laugh interruppted the moment.

"Master Fu was right." Chat uttered and turned to Vexer who was still laughing. "She can't be saved anymore." His eyes contracted as he finished his sentence while staring at the monster.

"Fools!" She managed to say before she teleported out of their grasp and stood behind them. The heroes took no time to turn around and come at their fighting stance.

"Did you really think your Marinette still exists? Her annoying little voice was only in my head for the first two days. But everything ends. Your friend... Isn't here anymore. She hasn't been here for quite some time now." There was something off about her voice. Vexer usually sounded like Marinette. But this time, her voice was disorted and echoed. It was also heavy and deep. Perhaps this was the true voice of a rouge akuma. "You killed her!" Luka shouted in disgust.

Ladybug gasped at this new information. Vexer noticed the fear in her eyes and smirked.

"What's the matter? Bug caught your tongue?" She teased in her new voice. Ladybug stood frozen and speechless. Whereas the others were enraged. Once again, without a plan, the team attacked her. But this time they were more violent. As if their rage was controlling their actions and clouding their thoughts. They attacked with full force. Sounds of grunting, metals clashing and bodies falling were all in the air. It became too much for Ladybug to bare. She hesitated at the little blood that spilled from both sides. Her eyes grew wide as she slowly stepped back from the fight that was going. No one noticed her as their fight was already intensified. Soon she was out of the building and began running away from the scene.

She didn't know why she was running. All she knew was that she had to get away. From what? She didn't know. She couldn't stand the sight of what was happening there. The sounds were dying down but she didn't stop. Eventually, a little voice inside her, argued. Her friends need her. They can't do this without her. But her legs wouldn't stop. It was like they had a mind of their own. She was getting tired but her legs weren't giving in. She looked back from her shoulder, worried about her friends in there. As she watched the building shrinking in size as she was farther away. While her thoughts clouded her mind, she didn't realize what she was running to, or who. When she finally crashed into something taller than her, she felt her legs relieved from stress and pain. She fell on her knees and looked up as tears threatened to fall.

"Minibug, what happened?" There stood Bunnix who was all too concerned for poor Marinette. She kneeled down to meet her eyes. "Why are you running? Where are the others? Have you fixed things yet?"

"No!" Was all the superheroine could utter through her cries. "I'm not strong enough. I'm not." Her hands clenched at her knees as she spat those words out. Her self loathing held no bound. "I'm weak. I can't face myself. I can't save myself nor my friends. I'm worthless."

"What happened?" She asked while putting her hand on her shoulder. Ladybug gasped at the sudden warmth and soon fell on Bunnix to hug her. Her embrace was the only form of comfort she had. And she needed it.

A few minutes passed. Though for Bunnix it felt like hours. So she finally pulled Ladybug away but still held her arms in case she needed that comfort again.

A thought suddenly crossed her mind.

"Don't tell me you saw Vexer's face." Though she already knew the answer, she hoped Ladybug would have said "no". But that didn't happen.

"Why didn't you tell me that-" Ladybug's eyes were teary again. She couldn't complete her sentence but Bunnix answered it anyway.

"I'm sorry. The truth is, I didn't want to tell you because I knew you'd be hurt. I thought you could have fought her without seeing her face. The last time I checked, Vexer wore a mask to cover a scar she got on her face (courtesy of Chloe and Lila teaming up before Vexer *cough cough*) . I thought she'd still be wearing it. Guess I was wrong." She said in a sad and apologizing tone while slightly pulling her head to the side. She couldn't believe the stupid mistake that she had made. If only she knew better than that.

The girls took a second to blankly stare at each other. Waiting for one to come up with a plan. But instead of what they wanted to hear, a very loud cry was heard. It definitely sounded like her friends were in trouble. But she couldn't make up who it was exactly. Who needed her? Suddenly the ground started to shake a little.

A loud disorted laugh was heard.

So loud that Marinette had to cover her ears and shut her eyes completely. She prayed for it to stop and was relieved when it did but then she  heard something else.

C'mon Marinette. Didn't you hear? Your friends need you. Aren't you coming to their rescue? No? Well then... Guess I'll just have to play 'Doctor' myself.

"YOU WILL DO NO SUCH THING!" She yelled back in response.
Bunnix passed a confused and questionable look before asking "Who are you talking to?"
"Vexer. Who else?"
"She's not even hear though."
"Y-you mean you didn't hear her just now?"
"All I heard was you yelling at the poor street."
"No- it's Vexer! She threatened my friends just now. How couldn't you hear?"
"Maybe because we're two miles away from her." She pointed out the obvious with a pinch of her wit.
"But- but how can I-"

Still confused as ever I see. And I always thought that Ladybug was the smart one. I'm YOUR future. And since we both exist in the same timeline thanks to your big bunny friend, we exist in each other's minds. We're connected Marinette.

"So, Bunnix can't hear you?"

Not unless she's stupid enough to get close to  me. Like your loser friends here. Speaking of, if you had to choose between any one of them to stay alive, who would it be?

Ladybug gasped. Her eyes shouted fear. Her skin went pale and her spine felt a chill while her neck hair stood up straight. "Minibug, what's wrong?"

"Vexer, she's threatening to-"

Tell her another word and I promise you'll be friendless.


Loud and clear. But now, you're going to have to hear me. If you ever want to see them again, come back here, alone. I'm not done with you yet. Oh and a... The longer you keep me waiting, there's a less likely chance for them to live. Chop chop. They don't have all day.

"Minibug?" Bunnix asked while snapping her fingers to grab Ladybug's attention.

"I have to go." She sad in a sad voice.
Ladybug started to run into the direction of the building she first fled from. Bunnix, curious and worried about her sudden action, ran after her.
"Don't follow me!" Ladybug cried.
"What are you even thinking? Just a second ago you were running for your life. Then yelled for no reason and now you're running back to Vexer? What's going on?"
"I can't explain. I'll tell you once it's over."
"That's my line!" She hissed.

Ladybug grew tired of Bunnix's stubbornness and pulled out her yoyo. Bunnix cautiously still approached her. However, Ladybug swung her yoyo at her, knocking her face down on the street. She laid there for some time. As she slowly gathered the strength to stand up again, she felt a nosebleed but decided to ignore it. She was more focused on Ladybug who was now out of sight.
'Either that girl's really fast, or I was knocked out for a really long time.' she thought to herself.

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