Chapter 2: Marinette's Come back

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The next day, Marinette is no where in sight. Her friends are really worried about her. Nino turned to Alya.

"Where is she?" He asked.

Alya sighed. "I don't know. I tried calling her after school yesterday but she didn't pick up. I left a few voice messages and so far no response." She frowned.

Adrien was sitting next to Nino listening to the conversation.

"Poor Marinette. She had it really bad yesterday." He said.

"I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't show up for a whole week." Nino added.

"How can you say that?" Alya inquired.

"But he's right. She seemed very hurt. If Only I could have done something for her." Adrien said.

"Don't be so hard on yourself dude. There's nothing we could have done for her." Nino confronted while patting his shoulder.

Alya gasped. "Guys, look!" She pointed.

To everyone's suprise, Marinette just entered the class. She wasn't whining, nor did she appear sad. She was her cheerful clumsy self. She took her usual seat next to Alya. "Hey Alya." She said in her usual friendly tone. They were all shocked. Marinette made it seem like nothing happened yesterday.

ALYA'S POV: I can't believe she's actually here today. And in such a good mood too. But I guess it's good. Nice to know she didn't let yesterday hold her back. Maybe she just wants to forget about it and do better today. And as her best friend, I won't talk about what happened yesterday either.

"Hey girl!" She replied back. "Nice to know you're still you." She continued.

"Yup, I won't let yesterday hold me back from what I can really do." Marinette replied.

"You sure though? Yesterday was pretty harsh." Nino interfered.

Alya didn't like that comment. She gave him a stare and Nino knew exactly what it meant. It meant 'shut up'. Marinette giggled.

"So what? I thought a lot about it yesterday and finally came to the conclusion that I need to stand up for myself. From now on, I'm not going to let people walk over me."

Her friends cheered for her. "That's the spirit girl!" Alya said while giving Marinette a thumbs up.

Sabrina entered the class. She seemed a bit nervous today. She walked up to Marinette to see how she's doing. When she asked, Marinette ignored. She asked again but no response.

The third time she asked Alya said "Marinette, she called you're name the third time now."

"I know. But do I look like I care?" She said and then she turned to Sabrina "When someone ignores you that doesn't mean you have to keep repeating yourself Sabrina. It means I'm uninterested to talk to you. So get out of my face!"

Alya froze. Sabrina apologized then politely said "I just wanted to make sure you're alright."

"Sorry. But I don't like talking to Chloe's little pet." Everyone gasped. No one believed what she just said. Sabrina didn't respond and went back to her seat.

But Marinette's friends were furious. "Girl that was harsh" Alya said.

"Yeah... She just wanted to check on you." Nino added.

"You didn't have to be so rude to her Mariette. You might have hurt her. You should apologise." Adrien advised.

"Not gonna happen." She replied with a grin.

The four of them started to argue when Chloe entered the class.

As soon as she spotted Marinette, she teased "Well well well... If it isn't Marinette Dupain Cheng. Ready for another bad day?"

"I don't know. Are you?" She said calmly. Alya face palmed herself.

"You're such a big baby. Only a five year old would go home in tears if they ever go through a bad day. Oh! And you apparently." She laughed.

"Well atleast I'm not a sad sloppy teenager who still plays with stuff teddy bears because that's the only friend I have. I mean seriously.... Are you in Highschool or Kindergarten." Marinette replied sharply.

Everyone oo-ed at Chloe. "How dare you say that about me!? Just you wait... My daddy will hear about this. I'll make sure he'll close your parents bakery for good."

Chloe replied while stomping her foot and pointing at Marinette.

"Awe. Can't little Miss daughter of Paris stand up for herself? Or do you always have to turn to your father every time you pick a fight that you can't handle. Guess you really are a baby, huh?" She teased back.

Chloe froze. She didn't know how to respond to that. Marinette just insulted her in front of the whole class.

She was having trouble figuring out a comeback when she finally spoke "You should know that-" Lila interrupted. "Forget it Chloe. She's not worth it. Marinette's just being a jerk."

"Atleast I'm an honest jerk. Unlike YOU" Marinette replied while pointing at Lila.

She gasped. "Are you calling me a liar?" She confronted.

"Anyone with an actual functioning brain would agree. Even Adrien knows it."

The entire class was in shock now. Adrien couldn't believe that Marinette just pointed him out like that.

"Dude. Is that true?" Nino asked Adrien.

"Go on Adrien. Tell them the truth." Marinette encouraged.

The entire class was staring at him. All their attention was diverted towards him.

At first the blond kid hesitated a little bit then replied "Um... Yeah. There were a few times where Lila wasn't completely honest with me." He said politely.

He didn't want to rat her out like that but he also didn't want to lie. That's just not him.

"Ha! See... I told you! And you know what? I don't think Lila left her old school because she got transferred. I think she left because everyone figured out her little game. She lies just to get everyone to like her. And when I figured it out, she tried to make me look bad. In fact, she was the one who uploaded that video of me too. She told me that during the test yesterday and lied that I was cheating from her!" She pointed out.

The entire class was staring at Lila now. They were all disappointed in her. One could easily see the hatred in their eyes.

Lila was a little intimated at first but then replied with confidence "No I didn't. Why would I even make that video? I don't want to hurt anyone."

"Oh please...I'm sick and tired of your lies. Everyone here knows you've been lying for so long now. So it's obvious you're doing it again."

Marinette said rolling her eyes. Lila felt ashamed. She's been exposed by the one she wanted to destroy socially. No one will ever believe her again. And no one would want to be her friend anymore. There's nothing she could do now. She's hurt. Her eyes were now watery.

"Oh great... Here comes the waterfalls now. Look if you're gonna do that, how about you do it someplace else. Like in a trash can cause that's where you belong!" Marinette said rudely.

She was going to far with this now. Alya told her to shut up. "The cat's out of the bag now (you can't have an MLB story without a cat pun). Stop making her feel worse than she needs to." she scolded.

"So you're still supporting a no good liar over your best friend now? I thought you were better than that. Guess I was wrong." Marinette said.

"Alright. You've made your point. Now stop" Chloe screamed.

"Or what? You're going to tell your daddy?" She said while mimicking Chloe's accent.

"Okay. That's enough!" The class shouted.

"Wow. There's a new idiot here every minute." She replied annoyingly.

It was Marinette against the whole class now. An argument started and broke as soon as the teacher entered the class inquiring about the noise everyone was making.

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