Chapter 20: Facing My Fear

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'Either that girl's really fast, or I was knocked out for a really long time.' she thought to herself.

~~Recap Over~~

Marinette rushed through the streets. Her footsteps were remarkably quiet though. The wind was blowing through her hair, her pigtails were being pushed by its strength. But she was un-bothered. She needed to head to the building again... FAST. Though she was doing her best, her mind wasn't accepting it. She constantly cursed herself and believed she's taking too long. 'Faster Marinette! Your friends need you. Faster. Faster. Faster' she kept echoing these words to herself until she finally started seeing the top of the building peeking out from the other buildings that surrounded it. It was finally in sight. The fact that she's gotten closer to the building gave her the motivation to pick up a faster pace if that was even possible. Only this time, her legs weren't growing tired. She almost felt proud of herself for coming back this fast. Though she still cursed herself for leaving in the first place.

When she finally reached there, she took a few breaths. She bent down a little and placed her hand on the building until her breathing was stabilized again. When that happened, she closed her eyes shut and took one last breath. She was trying to mentally prepare herself for what she was about to witness. Who knows what Vexer has done to her friends in her absence? Before she could start imagining all the possibilities that might or might not have happened, Vexer interrupted her again.

C'mon Marinette. What are you waiting for? They don't have all day you know.

And as much as she hated to admit it, Vexer was right. Without any resistance or the slightest hesitance, Ladybug entered the building. The ground floor was completely empty as before. She went up the stairs following Vexer's guidance. You're getting warmer.

Damn how Marinette hated that! That deep dark disorted voice constantly kept echoing until she was finally standing face to face with Vexer. The villain's posture leaned against the narrow wall while blocking Ladybug's view of the inside room.

"Gotta hand it to you. I didn't think you'd show up that easily." Vexer taunted her with a slow clap. "You didn't even bother to come up with a plan, did you?"

"Where are they?" Marinette asked only loud enough for them to hear.

"Who? You have to be more specific than that sweetheart." She replied with a grin.

"Where are my friends?" She repeated but her tone was louder this time.

"Oh, your friends. We were just having a chit chat. They seemed really nice. Are you sure they're your friends?"

"VEXER, WHERE ARE THEY!?" This time, blood boiled through her veins. Her tone was demanding. No longer was she afraid of Vexer's existance. She only hated it. More than anyone else she has ever hated.

"Ooh judging by your tone, you mean business. I like that." She winked in response.

Ladybug clenched her fists tighter and her eyes narrowed at the ugly reflection in front of her. She gritted her teeth while giving a death glare to her.

"Save your energy. You're going to need it. Your friends are right here." She tilted to the side to give Ladybug a better view of what was behind her. She reached out her arm in the direction of the room as if she was showcasing some new invention.

Ladybug gasped at the sight. All of her friends were severely injured. But one most of all. "C-chat!" She cried out. She put her hand on her mouth in order to restrain herself from speaking in her cracked voice. She took a few slow steps as her eyes widened in horror. Vexer simply smirked and let her enter the room.

The other heroes were gathered around the unconscious victim. Though the others had marks, bruises, unkept dirty hair and torn clothes, their appearance wasn't even half as ugly as Chat Noir's was. Ladybug took her steady steps closer to him, still gazing in horror. Though Rena and Carapace were still there, Luka had already transformed. He looked up to see his Melody (idk. I was reading a fanfic on wattpad where Luka kept calling Marinette 'Melody' and I thought it was really cute. Great story by the way. I believe it's called 'Heartstring'. If you're looking for Adrienette and Lukanette fanfic, I highly suggest you to read that. Wait-I think I'm going off topic. Sorry. Back to the story...).

He looked up to see his Melody. "I'm sorry. Even as Viperion I couldn't" he trailed off. Not wanting to upset her more. His miraculous was in his hand and he clenched it tighter. Mad at himself for not being good enough to save him EVEN WITH THE POWER TO BRING BACK TIME. Carapace put his arm on his to comfort him. And to explain to him that it's not his fault. "You did everything you could. But right now, Sass is exhausted and you can't transform. It's dangerous for you to be here. You need to leave." He tried to convince.

In the meantime, Rena stepped away from Chat and gave Marinette room to see him. "Chat Noir" she called his name once again in a shaky voice. She took his injured head in her hands and tilted it to have a better view of his face. Blood was oozing out from his nose and ear. His mask was a little torn from the sides. His face was bruised and so was the rest of his body. His baton was across the room, with blood dripping off from one of it's end.

"Chat Noir, please wake up." She said in teary eyes. "I need you" her voice was almost a whisper.

"L-lad- Ladybug?" His eyes were twitching and his breath was shaky.

"I promise I will fix this."

"I know... you wi-will my...M'lady. Y-you always do." He smiled weakly at her. As if his life was dependent on her.

"Don't go Chat. Please! I can't do this without you."

His smile paused. He lifted his weak hand from the ground and placed it on her cheek. Using his thumb, he wiped off the tear trailing down her face.

"Yes you c... can. I l- love y... you Marinette."

His voiced turned into a mere whisper at the last part. His eyeballs rolled to the back and his hand trailed off her face and got slammed to the ground.

"CHAT NOIR!" She cried in response. She placed her head on his chest and began crying. Suddenly, she felt a bright light flash on her closed eyes.

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