chapter four

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"i could fall asleep in here" duff moaned, getting comfortable. "nuh uh, you're not falling asleep here, you have your own room" i sighed, rolling my eyes.

"yeah, but it's too hot upstairs" he whined. "then maybe you should've thought about that before" i giggled, running my hands through his greasy hair.

"you should have a shower, your hair's gross" i mentioned, starting to braid it. "but i like it" he spoke, opening his eyes.

he stared at me for a few moments before i furrowed my eyebrows. "what?" "i gotta meet with my girlfriend" he suddenly spoke, sitting up.

"since when did you have a girlfriend?" i asked, cocking an eyebrow. "since last week" he shrugged, getting off my bed and retrieving his vodka.

"see you later" he nodded, before leaving my room. i heard his footsteps gradually getting more quiet, so i shrugged and grabbed a few glasses from my room before bringing them upstairs to the kitchen.

"hey ma, is haden home?" i questioned, walking into the backyard where mom sat. "i think so" she shrugged, flipping through the pages of a magazine. "okay."

"haden! wanna go get ice cream?" i shouted from the bottom of the stairs. there was no response, so i huffed before walking up the stairs.

"haden!" i called out again. i reached his door and knocked a couple times before entering. "oh god, im so sorry" i spoke, my eyes widening.

just as fast as i had opened the door, i quickly shut it and gagged. i'm not gonna tell you what i saw, but his girlfriend was with him.

moving on, i went to michael's room and knocked on the door. after waiting a minute with no response, i slowly opened the door and peeked in. he was nowhere in sight so i rolled my eyes and shut the door.

"guess im getting ice cream by myself" i frowned, going back downstairs to retrieve my wallet and car keys.

"mom, im going out for a bit! you want anything?" i yelled. "no im okay, honey" she responded, so i nodded and slipped on my shoes at the front door.

i opened the front door and almost ran right into a familiar curly haired guitarist. "hi?" i questioned, furrowing my eyebrows. "hey, is duff home?" he asked, making quick eye contact.

"uh no, he went out with his girlfriend" i explained and he only just nodded before stepping out of the way so i could exit the house.

i didnt know what else to say, so i started walking towards my car. "hey! where you going?" he questioned, catching up with me. "the candy store" i shrugged, unlocking the car.

"can i join you?" he questioned, a smirk playing on his face. ugh i hate when he does that, cause then i get so flustered. "if you really want to" i smiled.

slash hopped in the front seat, and soon enough we were driving down the road, windows down, music blasting, and cigarettes in our hands. the sun was also setting so there was a beautiful pink and orange sunset.

a couple minutes later, we got to the candy store. the store was huge and had everything you could ever want. it also happened to be the place where jess worked.

we walked into the building and i quickly nodded my head towards jess, who sat at the counter looking bored as fuck. she smiled back and raised her eyebrows once she noticed who was with me.

"yo jess, hook us up with some ice cream" i spoke, walking over to her. "gotcha" she nodded. slash walked down the aisles and i rolled my eyes as he tucked a few candy bars into his jacket.

"slash!" i called out, gaining his attention. "you dont gotta steal, yknow" i laughed, shaking my head. he only just shrugged it off before continuing.

"so, whatcha doing with him?" jess smirked, handing me an ice cream cone filled with cookies and cream. "he came to my place looking for duff and he decided to tag along with me" i shrugged.

"are you two gonna get it on tonight?" she asked, wiggling her eyebrows. "hold up, i barely even know the dude!" i giggled. "and has that stopped you before?" "" i sighed.

"hey, slash!" jess called out as the guitarist walked towards us. "dahlia here, was saying how much she wants to learn to play guitar...and she'd love if you could teach her a few things."

she really just did that....

i internally facepalmed, but kept an awkward smile on my face. "really?" slash questioned, turning towards me. i didnt have the nerve to say no, so i just slightly nodded.

"okay, we can stop by mine so i can pick up my guitar" slash nodded making me give him a thumbs us. slash started walking out of the store, so i gave jess the middle finger before following suit.

"its just around the corner" slash pointed as we arrived at a stop sign. we pulled up to a basic house and he quickly got out, leaving me in the car listening to deep purple.

it was now much darker out, and there was quite a cool breeze, but i always loved riding with my windows down no matter the weather. it was strangely comforting.

the passenger door opened, scaring the shit out of me. i jumped up and slash just chuckled before getting in. "did i scare you?" he asked. "yeah, i thought you were a random person" i laughed.

it didnt take us very long to get back to my place. i didnt see duff's car, so i assumed he was still with his mystery girlfriend. although, michael and moms cars both sat in the driveway.

we walked in the front door and heard chatter in the dining room. i walked ahead of slash and rounded the corner seeing everyone sitting at the table and eating dinner.

"hey" mom smiled, noticing slash and i. "sup" i nodded, grabbing a bun from the tray on the table. "are you two gonna join us?" mom asked. "uh no, were gonna go downstairs" i smiled, turning around and grabbing slash's free hand.

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