chapter fourteen

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"i dont think i even know...what's your favourite band?" slash questioned, as my head rested on his chest. "led zeppelin...fuck everything about them is so perfect" i sighed out, a big smile on my face.

"i agree with that" he nodded, chuckling a little. surprisingly, we didnt have sex - yet. we were just laying in my bed, talking about life. which i don't think we've done before, and im learning a lot more about him.

"so, truthfully...why do you never wanna go out anymore?" slash asked and i bit my lip. i have to tell him eventually. "all of you are so close and don't get me wrong, you guys are my family, but even when i'm with all of you, i still feel lonely, y'know."

"and when you started dating lena it got even worse" i spoke without thinking. this way, i'd be completely honest. "so you're in love with me?" he smirked, making me smack his chest and look up. "not right now" i scowled, making him smile and shake his head.

"you are something else dahlia murdock" he chuckled leaning down to peck my lips - which i gladly allowed. i tried to deepen the kiss but he pulled back, making me frown.

"i wasnt finished yet" i whined but he only just smirked down at me. "im enjoying this moment" he shrugged. "saul hudson doesnt wanna have sex? are you okay?" i joked, reaching up to his forehead before quickly pulling back.

"ouch! you're burning up" i giggled, before nestling my head back in to his chest. "i'm just tired from performing" he shrugged, lighting up a cigarette. "mhm" i hummed, feeling so relaxed in this moment.

"sorry if you're sensitive, but why did lena break up with you?" i questioned, not looking up. "she said i dont pay attention to her" he exhaled and i only just nodded slightly.

"did you ever like her?" "lena? not really honestly...i always thought she was kinda stuck up" i shrugged, snuggling closer to him. "admit're just so madly in love with me" he laughed and i did too.

"nuh uh, im not admitting to anything...because it's not true" i lied. of course it was fucking true! and i had been dying to get attention from him for like the past year!

"where's your les paul?" slash questioned. "in my closet" i sighed. "why's it in there?" "i dont know...i just haven't been able to look at it recently" i admitted, frowning a little.

"go grab it" he spoke and i looked up at him. "did you not just hear me?" "grab it" he spoke, and i only just rolled my eyes before getting up and opening the closet door.

i retrieved the guitar and walked back over to the bed. "happy?" "mhm, now play me something" he smirked, getting comfortable. "you're the guitarist, not me" i scoffed.

"cmon" he encouraged and i just shook my head. "i'm kind of in a depressing mood, so it would be much better if i had an acoustic" i shrugged, making up an excuse.

"play the riff i taught you" he smiled. "i guess" i sighed, grabbing a guitar pick before sitting down. i strummed all the strings to make sure it was in tune - which it was, so i started playing slash's unnamed song.

by the time i had finished, slash was still awake - just barely. "lets go to sleep" slash spoke, and i nodded, agreeing. i set down the guitar and crawled into his arms where i dozed off almost right away.


when we woke up the next morning, slash was quick to leave. im not sure why, but i assumed maybe he had practice. i mean the guys were on tour so it made sense.

today was my day off, so i decided to hang out at michael and emma's house. plus they just got a new puppy that i really wanted to meet.

as i made my way up the stairs, haden stopped me. "where you going?" "michael's, wanna come along?" i offered. "yeah, give me a minute!" he shouted, bolting up the stairs to change.

while waiting for haden to come downstairs, i laced up my shoes and made my way outside and into the car. i slid in a cassette and began humming the tune to rhiannon by fleetwood mac.

a few seconds later, he emerged from the house, and instead of using the door, he climbed through the window. "what the fuck?" i questioned, giving haden a dirty look.

"what?" he asked, furrowing his brows. "why would you climb through the window when there's a door?" i sighed. "just felt like it" he shrugged, looking out the window.

i just shook my head at his behavior, and backed out of the driveway. on the drive there, haden swapped the fleetwood mac cassette for a dio one. i didnt mind tho, i loved dio.

after a while, we arrived there so we got out and knocked on the front door. emma opened up the door with a slight smile and slight puzzled look. "i didnt know you guys were coming" she smiled, inviting us in anyways.

"yeah my bad i probably shouldve called before" i shrugged. "oh thats okay! you guys want anything to drink? i just made some lemonade" she offered. "ill take some!" haden spoke up. "me too" i smiled.

as we entered the living room, on the couch sat the puppy, which was sleeping. "emma?" haden questioned. "yeah?" she responded, coming into the room with the drinks.

"whats this cuties name?" he questioned, beginning to play with the dog. "her name is daisy" emma smiled. daisy was a golden retriever, and my gosh she was so cute.

"where's michael?" i questioned, noticing he was nowhere in sight. "oh he just went to grab a few things from the store" she explained, never losing her smile. in a way, i was slightly jealous of her. she was always so happy.

"so how have you been?" emma questioned. "things could be better but theres not much to complain about i guess" i shrugged. "you start school soon, right?" she questioned, beckoning me to follow her as she walked to the kitchen.

"yeah in september" i nodded. "thats great! are you working right now?" "yeah im working at a guitar shop...i love it actually" i nod with a smile. "im not even surprised, you and music go hand in hand" she laughed.

"yeah.." i trailed off. "you still talk to duff?" emma asked. "um yeah but were not as close as we used to be" i shrugged. "oh im sorry to hear that" she frowned. "its all good" i promised.

"how are you and slash though?" "wait how do you know about us? i mean there is no us but still" i questioned, furrowing my eyebrows. "mike talks about it a lot actually...he just doesnt want you to get hurt yknow" she shrugged.

"i mean we were never really together. we kinda hook up sometimes but i dont know, he's confusing" i sadly smiled. "havent you tried looking for someone else?" emma asked, sitting down at the table as i did too.

"i dont know where to find anyone honestly." "maybe once you start uni you could meet someone!" she exclaimed. "yeah, maybe-" "dahlia? what are you doing here?" michael questioned, confused to see me.

"i wanted to come for a visit, and see the dog too" i smirked. "did haden come along?" he questioned. "yeah, he's in the living room with daisy" emma smiled.

"oh alright...are you staying for dinner?" mike asked. "uhm yeah if i could" i spoke, looking at emma. "of course you can!" she giggled.

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