chapter nine

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duff and i were now chilling on a couch with slash beside us. i sat on duff's lap since there wasnt room to sit anywhere else. i hadnt seen jess for the past hour, so i assumed she was quite occupied with steven.

i had talked to a few other people from my school, but other than that, i stayed with duff most of the time. it was kinda weird though when he'd flirt with someone while i was right there.

slash had been making out with girl after girl, and i was surprised he didnt go right at it in front of everyone. i was pissed off at him, but luckily since i was so drunk, you couldnt tell.

i could hear slash beside me, flirting with that same blonde chick that was sucking off his face earlier. i huffed out. ive had enough.

"duff?" i called out, making his eye snap towards me. "yeah?" he questioned. i answered him by grabbing his face and attaching my lips to his.

i felt him kiss back, and we just went with it. tongue and everything. by the time we split apart, slash was no longer there. aha, my plan worked.

"oh dahlia...i didnt know you liked me like that!" duff laughed, his eyes wide. i wasnt sure what to say, so i got up and went to the basement- which was luckily empty.

i entered my bedroom and shut the door behind me. now duff must think i like him! ugh.

"wonder what michael's gonna think when he finds out you made out with his best friend!" slash laughed, entering my room and closing the door behind him.

"im just having fun, like you said" i smirked, biting my lip. "mhm" he nodded, sitting beside me and lighting up a cigarette before offering one to me, which i gladly took.

"did you just do that cause you were pissed at what i said earlier?" he questioned, making my heart beat race. "nope, im a free woman, slash" i giggled, exhaling.

"right, so you wouldnt be mad if i slept with that blonde i was with?" he questioned, a playful smirk on his face. "i mean were not dating" i shrugged, hoping he could hear some sadness and jealousy in my voice.

"well, im gonna leave you be" he spoke, getting up. before he left, he gave me a quick peck and exited the room. i sighed out stomped on my cigarette.

men are so confusing!

"dahlia everly murdock! why does the house look like a tornado ran through it!" a voice yelled. my eyes flew open and i cursed to myself.

i got up fast, and immediately regretted it as my head was pounding like a motherfucker. that wasnt the only thing though...slash was in my bed. how did he even get there?

ugh i dont remember anything that happened last night. shit.

i braced myself for mom to yell at me for hours straight, and walked up the creaky stairs to face her. "hey mom" i coughed, making her turn around.

"i thought this party wasnt gonna have any alcohol" "i-" "or drugs!" she interrupted. hold up, wait, drugs? i dont remember there being any of that.

"what do you mean drugs?" i groaned" rubbing my head. "this!" she spoke, holding up a bag with a few colourful pills.

"i'll admit, i knew about the alcohol...but not that!" i defended. "dahlia...i- just- why would you lie to me?" she spoke, her eyes softening. can she please not start crying and then complain about what a bad mother she is.

"i didnt expect it to get out of sorry" i apologized. "i didnt raise you like this...or michael...or haden, and i just feel like the worst mother in the world." here we go.

"youre not a bad was my fault and i shouldve known better" i shrugged. "you definitely get cleaned up and then clean up the house" she spoke, crossing her arms.

"fine" i spoke, not wanting to argue any longer. "thank you, and after we can talk about your punishment" she spoke as i walked towards the basement door. ah shit.

when i got back downstairs, slash was now awake. "can i ask why youre in my bed?" i questioned, leaning against the door frame. "i needed a place to sleep" he explained and i only just slightly nodded my head.

"im gonna go have a shower, and you should probably leave moms pissed" i slightly smiled before leaving the room to enter the bathroom.

once i finished showering, i went back to my room to see slash no longer there. looks like he followed my advice to get the fuck out of here.

i picked up the phone and dialled jess's number. i wasnt sure if she was here, or where she was. "hello?" her giggly voice answered. "jess? are you okay?" i questioned.

"im fine, but steven and i had a fun night" she giggled. "oh, gross! but okay, just wanted to make sure you were safe" i spoke before hanging up.

now i get to clean the entire house, yay!!! not.

"here's some trash bags...get started" mom spoke, throwing the stuff in my hands as soon as i walked upstairs. "okay, okay" i sighed, walking into the living room.

i picked up the trash all over and found a baggie of white powder. oh shit! is this coke? i'll just give it to duff or one of the guys later.

"having fun?" haden smirked, entering the front door. he was staying the night at his girlfriends, but somehow he had found out about the party. "im not, thanks" i grumbled, straightening the couch pillows.

he only just laughed one more time before going upstairs to his room. i wonder where duff is....i havent seen him all morning.

"morning dahlia." speak of the devil. "morning duff" i smiled, picking up the trash bag before bringing it to the kitchen to start cleaning in there.

he followed me into the room and immediately noticed mom sitting there. "morning, mrs murdock" duff spoke, a cheesy smile on his face.

"good morning duff" she responded, not making eye contact with him. instead, she studied me the whole time, making sure i left the place spotless.

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