chapter seven

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"jess! he didnt even give me an answer" i sighed, falling down on my bed. "i said he smirked at you, right? maybe that means something" she shrugged, starting to sloppily braid my hair.

"i guess you could be right" i shrugged, looking up at her. "listen, no one can resist you, youre the hottest bitch in the world" she smiled proudly. "is that right?" i confirm.

"anyways, what are those boys up to tonight?" she asked, an eyebrow raised. "they had a show tonight" i shrugged. "and were not there?" she gasped, clutching her heart.

"it's a saturday night for petes sake!" she whined, laying down beside me. "youre right...what time is it?" i asked, stretching my arms in the air. "almost 7" she smiled, looking at my wall clock.

"theyre about to go on! let's go" i smiled, pulling her up. "woah, wait...we cant go out looking like this!" she laughed, pointing at our trashy outfits. "youre right" i nod.

we spent the next ten minutes digging through my closet, and trying to find something to wear. "put this on" she squealed, handing me a lace bodysuit as well as a pencil skirt.

i put on the fit she gave me and she put on her own, and seconds later we were out the door, with haden trailing. "where are you two going dressed like that?" he spoke, crossing his arms.

"to the whisky" i rolled my eyes. "im telling mom!" he smirked before running inside the house. "lets just go" jess spoke, elbowing my arm. "okay" i agreed, hopping in the drivers seat.

we made it to the whisky in not too long. i was also doing about thirty over the speed limit, so oops. we got into the club rather fast and slithered our way to the front of the stage.

it was really hard with the amount of chicks there trying to get with them after the show, but with many attempts, we finally got to the front.

axl was the first to notice us, so he sent us a quick smirk before singing again. duff noticed us too, and same with izzy and steven, but slash was too into his guitar playing. i mean, i dont blame him, it sounded so good.

they finished off the show and were quick to leave the show. "hey, i have an idea" i spoke, smirking. "should i be scared?" jess questioned. i quickly shook my head as i pulled her to the bar.

"hi do you have a pen i can borrow?" i asked one of the bartenders. with a quick eye roll, she pulled out a pen and handed it to me. "would you be okay finding youre own way home?" i questioned, grabbing a napkin.

"uh sure...if you tell me what youre doing" jess smiled, making me nod along.

the boys quickly filed out of the back and into the bar area where we were. "hey dahlia" duff smiled, slinging an arm over me. "hey, you guys were great" i smiled, hiding the napkin in my bra.

i looked at jess and she nodded, so i got up, swiftly handed the napkin to slash and left the club without a sound. i really hoped this plan worked.

i sat in the front seat of my car, waiting and waiting, until eventually the door opened. "hey" i smiled, seeing the guitarist. "hey" he nodded back, turning to face me.

i quickly looked around the empty parking lot before making a move on him. our lips were quick to connect, and soon enough i was slinging my leg over his body, now straddling him. his hands moved up and down my thigh, making me pull him even closer.

(i dont do smut, sorry)


"tell me all about it!" jess squealed, walking down the school hallways with me. "its just sex, nothing exciting" i shrugged, looking over at her.

"plus, prom is on thursday, so we gotta get our dresses!" i reminded. "oh gosh, i totally forgot" she sighed, slapping her forehead. "wait, we dont have dates though" she spoke.

"we dont need dates to go" i shrugged, walking into my math class. "yeah, but its kinda boring without" she frowned. "what if a party instead!" she squealed.

"i hope youre talking at your house" i laughed, sitting down in my spot with jess next to me. "my dad will kill know this" she frowned, making me nod along.

"my moms gonna be home though" i sighed, biting my lip. "we'll come up with something, im sure."

"hey mom." "hey, how was school?" she questioned, a big smile on her face. "the same as usual" i shrugged. "listen...i wanted to ask a huge favour" i spoke, waiting for her signal for me to continue.

"what is it?" "could jess and i possibly host a party here for grad on thursday? there wont be any alcohol or drugs" i asked, a cheesy smile on my face. "no! im not gonna let you have a high school party" she laughed, shaking her head.

"please! michael and duff could watch us" i offered. i'd be okay with duff since he's a party animal, but not michael....he's a loser.

"dahlia" she warned, staring me down. "please! please! please! ple-" "fine. but if there are any sorts of drugs, or sex, you will be grounded for a year" she clarified and i nodded along the whole time.

"thank you! i love you!" i giggled, embracing her in a hug. "youre welcome, now go do your laundry like i asked on friday" she spoke and i groaned before going to the basement.

i called up jess with the phone in my room and waited for an answer. "hello?" she picked up. "partys on" i smirked. her excited squeal came from the other side and i couldnt help but join in.

"is your mom leaving the house for the night?" she questioned. " gonna go now, i gotta ask duff for a few favours" i spoke before hanging up.

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